Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

World Bank seeks study of pumped storage in SAPP

The World Bank invites expressions of interest by 8 May from qualified consultants to carry out an analytical study on the conceptual role and the economic viability of pumped storage in the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP).

The requested services are to be conducted as a desk review study, and will include a review of pumped-storage development globally and historically, a review of how future development is relevant for the SAPP, and how pumped storage can be economically and financially justified. The estimated time for the study is 10 calendar months, with the number of staff days input estimated at 200-220, according to the tender notice, which was issued on 15 April.

The objectives of the analytical study are to assess the conceptual role and economic viability of pumped storage in SAPP through identifying and quantifying the costs; benefits and value that enhance energy security; climate resilience and facilitate a low carbon transition in the region and countries, according to the tender notice. The key questions to address in the study is what role and value pumped storage has in a broader energy sector point of view. Should it be considered an energy generation plant or an energy service facility tailored to meeting the demands of the evolving power system?

Consultants expressing interest should submit proof of relevant experience in hydropower and pumped-storage hydropower over the last 10 years, especially analytical studies related to power sector planning, master plans and pre-feasibility for hydropower. The consultant should provide proof of capability and availability. The tender notice can be viewed at Expressions of interest for solicitation number 0002007347 should be submitted through the Bank’s procurement portal, RFxNow.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators