Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

WAPDA invites EOIs for rehabilitation of Dargai in Pakistan

Pre-qualification bids are invited by 15 February.

Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) invites pre-qualification bids by 15 February to carry out the rehabilitation of the 20 MW Dargai (Malakand-II) hydropower station in the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The project, to be carried out with the financial support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), comprises civil works, along with the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electrical and mechanical works and clearance of defect liabilities. WAPDA said it aims at an initial selection of firms and joint ventures with sound technical and financial capabilities. The low-head, run-of-river station at Dargai, Malakand District, on the Swat river canal, is equipped with four 5 MW units, with a design annual output of 162 GWh, and was commissioned in December 1952.

A complete set of initial selection documents (both hard and soft copies in English language) is available upon submission of a written application to the General Manager of Hydro Development at WAPDA and against payment of a nominal non-refundable fee of PKR 1000 per set in the form of a bank draft/pay order/cash deposit receipt in favour of the Manager Finance (Hydel), WAPDA Lahore, A/c No. 0813-0013035903 HBL Opposite High Court Branch, Lahore, Pakistan. The full advertisement is available on and

Applications along with all relevant information (all in English Language only) for initial selection must be submitted in sealed envelopes to the address below before 14.30 hrs local time on 15 February and be clearly marked “Application Initial Selection for Rehabilitation of Dargai Hydro Electric Power Station, IPC # C-E & M / HS – 61 / IFIS – 001”.

For further information, contact: Muhammad Arfan, General Manager (Hydel) Development, Room # 104, WAPDA House, Lahore, Pakistan; Tel: +92 42 99202189; Fax: +92 4236369004; Email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators