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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Uzbekistan tenders construction of small hydro projects

UzbekGidroEnergo (UGE), Uzbekistan's state hydropower producer, invites bids by 6 April for the construction of a cascade of three hydroelectric power plants on the Big Andijan Canal in the Namangan region and of the Zarchob-3 hydropower station on the Topalang River in Surkhandarya region.

Contractors are sought for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the 12 MW Kugai, 6 MW Kugai 2, and 5 MW Beshkurgan schemes on the Big Andijan Canal and the 16 MW Zarchob 3 plant on the river Topalang. The three plant cascade on the Big Andijan Canal, which is designed to generate average annual output of 172.5 GWh, will cost an estimated US$ 60.71 million, of which US$ 26.8 million for the civil works and US$ 26.4 million for the supply of electro-mechanical and hydro-mechanical equipment, according to a feasibility study completed in 2022 by Gidroproekt JSC, a subsidiary of UGE. The Zarchob 3 project, with a design output of 69.6 GWh, is estimated to cost US$ 32.6 million, of which US$ 15.5 million for the electro-mechanical and hydro-mechanical equipment and US$ 11 million for the civil works, as well as US$ 2.2 million for the financial costs. Of the estimated total investment cost of US$ 93.34 million, US$ 59.2 million is to be financed by UGE with the balance of US$ 34.1 million to be covered by foreign loans.

The main language of the tender is Uzbek. Additional languages used in the tender are Russian.

The procurement notice can be viewed on the website of the French development agency, AFD.For further information contact: Bakhrom Mavlyanov, UzbekGidroEnergo, Navoi street, 22100011 Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Tel.: +998712411524; E-mail:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators