Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Uzbekhydroenergo seeks investors to build, own and operate new hydropower plants

Uzbekhydroenergo JSC, Uzbekistan’s state-owned hydropower producer, intends to award concessions to private investor(s)/consortia to develop, finance, build, own and operate five new small hydropower plants, with a combined capacity of 46.67 MW, on a public-private partnership basis.

Interested bidders are invited to submit a Statement of Qualification (SOQ) by 1 April 2024 in accordance with the requirements contained in the Request for Qualification (RFQ) documents for one or more of the projects.

The projects, which are offered in four separate lots, are: (i) Dukentsay (5 MW) in the Tashkent region (; (ii) Kamchik 2 and Kamchik 3 (with a total combined capacity of 19.1 MW) in the Namangan region (; (iii) Kyzildarya-Suvlisoi (13.67 MW) in the Kashkadarya region ( and (iv) Nizhny Koksu plant (8.9 MW) in the Tashkent region (

Uzbekhydroenergo is being assisted by Synergy Consulting as its financial consultant, Dolsar Engineering (Turkey) as its technical consultant, and Unicase (Kazakhstan) as its legal consultant.

Interested parties intending to upload the RFQ documents must first accept the terms of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The NDA must be duly signed by an authorized representative of the applicant and be sent to all the email addresses below, after which the link to download the RFQ documents will be transmitted accordingly. A link to access and review the terms of the NDA is provided in each of the separate tenders, which can be accessed via the links above.

Queries regarding the RFQ document must be submitted to all of the following email addresses:;;;; and

All applicants must submit one complete copy of the SOQ to all email addresses listed above no later than midday Tashkent time on 1 April in accordance with the rules defined in the RFQ. Paper copies of one original (marked “original”) and one copy of the SOQ may be submitted within two weeks of the SOQ submission deadline. In this case, proof of mailing of the hard copy must be submitted before the deadline (for electronic filing as above) to the address listed below. Applications for participation should be sent to Uzbekhydroenergo JSC, Navoi Street, 22, Tashkent 100011, Uzbekistan, Email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators