Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Turkey offers operating rights for Ahiköy I and II

Turkey’s privatization administration (OIB) has launched the sale of two operating hydropower plants with a combined installed capacity of 4.3 MW and average annual output of 11.4 GWh.

Bids for the long-term operating rights of the 2.03 MW Ahiköy I and 2.39 MW Ahiköy II hydropower plants on the Nih stream in the central province of Sivas and all associated infrastructure are invited by 13 April, according to a notice published in the Official Gazette on 20 February. 

To obtain the tender specifications and the information memorandum from the OIB, in return for a “Receipt Certificate”, interested legal entities and consortia must sign and submit the confidentiality agreement, which can be obtained from the below-mentioned address of the OIB or from, and deliver a receipt for the payment of TL 1500 to one of the accounts as listed below: T.Halk Bankasi A.Ş. Ankara Corporate Branch: Privatization Fund TL Deposit Account no. TR25 0001 2009 4520 0083 0000 06; T.C. ZİRAAT Bankasi A.Ş. Ankara Public Corporate Branch: Cash Sale and Dividend Income TL a/c no.: TR40 0001 0017 4538 7756 6157 38, or T.VAKIFLAR Bankasi T.A.O. Central Branch: Privatization Fund TL Deposit A/c no.: TR22 0001 5001 5800 7287 5506 67.

The participants should provide a bid bond in the amount of TL 1 million. The full tender notice can be viewed on the website of the OIB at:

For further information contact: the Privatisation Administration, Ziya Gökalp Caddesi 80, Kurtulus, 06600 Ankara; Tel: +90 312 585 82 90; Fax: +90 312 585 83 07.


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators