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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Tender relaunched for Tanahu project headworks, Nepal

Tanahu Hydropower Limited (THL), the state developer of the 140 MW Tanahu storage hydropower project on the river Seti in Nepal’s western development region, has re-issued a tender for the design and construction of the project’s headworks.

Bids are invited by 13 April for the construction of a 140 m-high concrete gravity dam with spillway, plunge pool and downstream auxiliary dam, as well as river diversion works comprising two diversion tunnels and temporary cofferdams, slope stabilization/protection measures within the reservoir area, and construction of grouting galleries, as well as spoil disposal areas. The tender was first issued in April 2019.

The US$ 505 million project, formerly known as Upper Seti, will be one of Nepal’s biggest storage projects with annual output of 588 GWh. Located 150 km west of Kathmandu near Damauli, it is being financed by the Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank.

International competitive bidding will be conducted in line with ADB’s single-stage, two-envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible ADB source countries.

The invitation to bid with details of qualifying criteria can be viewed at the ADB website at:

Bid documents for THL/01-P1/2076/077; Package 1: Headworks (Re-Bid II) are available upon written request to the below-mentioned address and payment of a non-refundable fee of NR 25 000 or US$ 225 to the company’s current account no. 062300000022524 held at the Bank of Kathmandu, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal, or any of its branches. A pre-bid meeting will be held at the office of THL in Kathmandu on 18 March to explain the bidding procedures and the scope of works. Prior to the pre-bid meeting, a site visit will be organized by the employer on 17 March.

For further information and inspect the bidding documents, bidders should contact: Tanahu Hydropower Project, Trade Tower Building, Fourth Floor, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal; Tel: +977 1 5111117/5111118; Fax: +977 1 5111121; Email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators