Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Tender for completion of remaining works of the Baleh hydroelectric project – main civil works

Suitably qualified tenderers are invited for the Tender for Completion of the remaining works of the Baleh hydroelectric project, main civil works.

Title of Tender: completion of remaining works of Baleh hydroelectric project,  main civil works (Package BLP5)

Eligibility requirements:

  1. The Tenderer has successfully completed the main civil works for a hydroelectric dam project in excess of USD 300 million in the last 15 years from the date of the tender float; or,
  2. If the Tenderer is a consortium or joint venture, any one of the consortium/JV members has successfully completed the main civil works for a hydroelectric dam project in excess of USD300 million in the last 15 years from the date of the tender float.

Instruction to Tenderers:

Mandatory requirements to submit the tender:

Tenderers shall comply with the followings:

  1. Design experience in at least a 150m height Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam (CFRD) dam project in the last 20 years from the date of the tender float;
  2. Construction experience in at least one CFRD dam project exceeding 70m height in the last 20 years from the date of the tender float; and,
  3. Tunnelling experience in at least one project in the last 15 years from the date of the tender float.

*Interested tenderers are required to produce evidence of fulfilling the above-mentioned mandatory requirements. If this criteria is not fulfilled, the tenderer’s intention will be rejected.

Tenderers shall attend a tender briefing and site visit outlined below. Tenderers who failed to attend the tender briefing and site visit may be disqualified by Sarawak Energy.


Tender briefing Site visit
Date and Time 10 June 2024 at 9.00 a.m. 11 June 2024 – 14 June 2024 at 9.00 a.m.
Venue Baleh HEP Project Site Baleh HEP Project Site


ONLY shareholders, directors or a company’s authorized personnel (through a company’s authorisation letter) shall be allowed to attend the tender briefing and site visit.

All tenderers must bring along the authorisation letter to inform the Employer of the persons that will be attending the tender briefing and site visit on its behalf during the Tender Briefing and Site Visit.

All enquiries regarding the Tender should be addressed to:
Project Delivery
Sarawak Energy Berhad,
Level 6, Menara Sarawak Energy
No.1, The Isthmus
93050 Kuching, Sarawak.

Attention: General Manager, Baleh HEP
Tel. No.: +6 082 – 388 388
Fax No.: +6 082 – 344 588

Tender Reference No. SBP-170816-BLP5

Closing date: 17 July 2024 3PM (Malaysia Local Time)

Click HERE for full instructions and how to proceed.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators