Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Technical assistance services sought for Nachtigal

The Coordinator of the Technical Assistance Project for the Development of Hydropower on the Sanaga River (PATDHS) under the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy (MINEE) of the Republic of Cameroon invites expressions of interest from qualified consultants by 26 November to provide technical assistance to the Government of Cameroon within the framework of its supervision functions during the construction and commissioning of the Nachtigal Amont hydroelectric dam and power plant on the Sanaga River.

The Coordinator of the Technical Assistance Project for the Development of Hydropower on the Sanaga River (PATDHS) under the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy (MINEE) of the Republic of Cameroon invites expressions of interest from qualified consultants by 26 November to provide technical assistance to the Government of Cameroon within the framework of its supervision functions during the construction and commissioning of the Nachtigal Amont hydroelectric dam and power plant on the Sanaga River.

The contracted technical assistance services are to be financed by a loan from the International Development Association (IDA) under the PATDHS programme. The consultant’s services will consist of:


  • Ensuring the adequacy of the contractor’s quality assurance plan and its compliance.
  • Examination and recommendation of contractors’ documents for the operation and maintenance of civil engineering works, hydromechanical equipment and electromechanical equipment.
  • Advise the Government of Cameroon on the suitability of tools/equipment, construction materials, labor and resources of the EPC contractor.
  • Provide support to the Government of Cameroon and associated organizations to control the construction of the project and the implementation of the ESMP, the PAR, the PRME, the PGRA, the MGP and the stakeholder information procedure.
  • Support the Government of Cameroon and associated organizations of the Government of Cameroon to identify the reasons for delays or changes made to the scope of action (if applicable), and assist the Government of Cameroon in negotiations with the concessionaire to contribute to mitigate these changes and delays.
  • Provide support to SONATREL (National Electricity Transport Company) in the supervision of the commissioning of the turbines. The assignment, which is divided into two components, the engineering component and the environmental and social component, is expected to be for a period of approximately four years, in line with the implementation period of the Nachtigal hydroelectric project.


For further information concerning the contract (Ref: Expression of Interest 007 ASMI/PATDHS/UGP-MINEE/SPM/2020), contact:

Luc Podium

Management Unit of the Technical Assistance Project for the Development of Hydropower on the Sanaga River (PATDHS),

PMU MINEE Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Energie,

Nouvelle route,

Bastos district,

400 m behind the World Bank offices,

Yaoundé, Cameroon;


Tel: +237 680 81 64 12

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators