Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Pump-turbine unit sought for EDF’s Vouglans/Saut-Mortier project

France’s state power producer and supplier EDF invites bids by 19 November for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of an 18 MW pump-turbine unit and associated equipment for the Vouglans/Saut-Mortier pumped-storage project in the Vallée de l’Ain in the Jura. The competitive tender with negotiation was published on 23 October on the website of the EU’s procurement platform TED.

The contract, with an estimated value, excluding VAT, of €32 million, entails the design, supply, installation and commissioning of an 18 MW hydropower unit, comprising a Francis-type pump-turbine and auxiliaries, an associated generator, power electronic equipment (VSI Voltage Source Inverter) to enable speed variations for the pump-turbine, High Voltage A (HTA) (Medium Voltage) connections and associated mechanical auxiliaries, according to the tender notice. The work, which is to be carried out at the site of the Saut-Mortier dam, is envisaged to take six years from 30 June 2026 to 30 June 2032.

The Vouglans/Saut-Mortier pumped-storage project plans for the addition of a pump-turbine to enable the existing facilities to be converted into an 87 MW pumped-storage plant. The project will entail the installation of a new underground pumped-storage unit at the 44 MW Saut-Mortier hydropower dam, allowing water to be pumped upstream from the reservoir of the Coiselet dam into the reservoir impounded by Saut-Mortier and then up to the reservoir impounded by the Vouglans dam, using its own existing pumped-storage unit.

In addition to increasing EDF’s pumped-storage capacity, the project is also designed to optimize production at the Coiselet, Saut-Mortier and Vouglans stations, and improve management of the water flow of the river Ain with significant benefit for its fish population.

Candidates must bid through the EDF Purchasing Portal at with the reference: Request for information notice N° AVIS012566. Interested candidates, not yet registered, can self-reference from the home page of this portal. No email is allowed. EDF accepts individual bids and joint ventures though bidders are not allowed to apply both as individual candidates and as members of another grouping. A document entitled “Identification of the members of the group and distribution of services” (“Identification des membres du groupement et répartition des prestations”) is available in the collaborative space dedicated to suppliers in the Purchasing Portal. Bidders must provide proof that they are certified by an authorized body for the implementation of an integrated occupational health and safety and environment management system such as OHSAS, MASE, ISO 45001, or its equivalent. This certification must be acquired and valid at the time of signing the contract and throughout its duration.

The tender notice can be viewed at:
EDF’s point of reference is listed as Mme Fabienne Audat, DISC – Direction Achats et Contrats Industriels Département Sud Est, EDF SA, 4 Allée du Lac de Tignes – Bât CENTAURE, CS92002 La Motte Servolex, 73373 Le Bourget du Lac CEDEX; Tel: +33 (0)7 62 14 60 04; Email: