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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Project supervision consultant sought for sustainable hydropower project in Uzbekistan

Uzbekhydroenergo, Uzbekistan’s state hydropower producer and developer, seeks to engage a Project Supervision Consultant to assist with the implementation of a sustainable hydropower project. Expressions of interest should be submitted by 28 October.

The project will include the construction of three small hydropower plants with a total capacity of 24 MW on the river Aksu in the region of Kashkadarya (6 MW Rabat, 8 MW Chappasuy and 10 MW Tamshush) with associated 22 km 35-110 kV transmission line, and mini-hydro units with a total aggregate capacity of 1 MW.

The project is designed to contribute to increasing renewable energy in Uzbekistan’s energy mix, access to reliable energy, and building capacity for sustainable clean energy development. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a US$ 60 loan for the scheme’s development. Uzbekhydroenergo requires a multidisciplinary team of international and national consultants (consulting firm) to assist them in the project management, supervising construction, testing and commissioning of the projects, and capacity development.

The Project Supervision Consultant will be expected to prepare necessary project plans, progress reports, payment certificates, provisional and final take over certificates, claims evaluation reports, project final report and any other project management documents in line with good practice and Uzbekhydroenergo and ADB requirements. The consultant will provide services to Uzbekhydroenergo and the Project Management Unit (PMU) related to preparing and implementing a Project Performance Monitoring System (PPMS) to evaluate effectiveness of the project. The PPMS will measure project performance against the parameters as set out in the Design and Monitoring Framework of the Report and Recommendation of the President of ADB. The PPMS will establish baseline data and benchmarks, collect necessary information, monitor progress, identify benefits and evaluate social impacts. The contract will also entail the review of project technical (engineering) documents and construction supervision. The consultant shall provide services on the supervision (control) of all aspects of the EPC contractor’s works, including commissioning of the plants. These services will include, but not be limited to: review and approval of the contractor’s designs; development and implementation of a construction quality assurance programme; monitoring of contractor’s work schedule; inspection of materials before shipment upon arrival and upon erection; comparison of as-built drawings with design; monitoring implementation of health, safety and environmental (HSE) measures, including the environmental management plan, and provide early warning of any potential HSE risks; and, mitigation of shortcomings in any of these areas. The engagement period of the consultancy contract is 36 months, and is expected to run from September 2020 to August 2023 on an intermittent basis.

The full tender notice can be viewed at Expressions of interest are to be made via

For further information, concerning Project Number: 50130-002, contact: Khasan Khasanov, Project Officer, Joint Stock Company Uzbekhydroenergo, 22 Navoi Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100011; Email:; Tel:+99871 230 3350; Agency email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators