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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Project implementation consultant sought for Sawangan hydropower project in Indonesia

Indonesia’s state-owned power utility, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), has launched an international open tender for consultancy services for the design, tendering and construction supervision of the Sawangan hydropower project on the Island of Sulawesi. Prequalification applications from qualified international consultants to act as Project Implementation Consultant are invited by 16 June. The 16.6 MW run-of-river hydropower project in the province of North Sulawesi is to be developed within the framework of the “Sustainable Hydropower Program” with the support of the German development bank KfW. The consultancy services shall be financed from a loan provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The Sawangan project will complete a cascade of four hydroelectric power plants on the river Tondano. A feasibility study was completed in 2021 for the hydropower site. The project is designed with a gross head of 177.50 m and a discharge of 12.4 m³/s that is deviated at a concrete weir. From the intake water will  be conveyed through a 4620 m-long headrace tunnel and 294 m long penstock to the powerhouse, which is to be equipped with two Francis turbines with a rated output of 2 x 8.3 MW. The produced energy is transformed to 70 kV. A double-circuit overhead line with a length of about 2.4 km will connect the power plant to the existing grid. In addition, a dotation turbine with 370 kW will be installed at the weir to be able to discharge the environmental flow.

The requested consultancy services are divided in two stages. Stage I covers pre-construction services and will entail a review of the feasibility study design, development and execution of an investigation program for a detailed design level, and detailed design and engineering works as well as, preparation of the respective tender documents. The implementation of the hydropower plant will be conducted with two FIDIC contracts: (1) Civil Contract based on FIDIC Pink Book, and (2) Electro-Mechanical Contract based on FIDIC Yellow Book. Subsequent assistance during the tender phase and tender evaluation process with contract award is to be safeguarded by the consultant.

In addition the existing ESIA, ESMMP and SEP will need to be updated, and a Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP) and a Labour Force Management Framework (LMF) including Occupational Health and Safety Plan (OHSP) shall need to be developed.

Stage II covers the construction design and assistance during construction, erection and commissioning of the hydropower project, up to TOC (Taking Over Certificate) and COD (Commercial Operation Date) and thereafter during Operation after COD up to FAC (Final Acceptance Certificate). The consultant shall be required to assist PLN in report preparation and monitoring of construction activities as well as implementation and monitoring of the ESMP, the LARAP and the OHSP. The services shall also include assistance to PLN for fulfilling their reporting duties to KfW. The services shall be carried out in close consultation with PLN and KfW in all aspects of the assignment.

The selection of the consultant will be guided by the latest version of the “Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Plant, Goods and Non-Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partners“, January 2021. It is foreseen to assign the services to an international consulting firm/ joint venture experienced in the hydropower sector and the region with a minimum annual revenue of €4 million (firm or joint venture). The consultant is encouraged to collaborate with domestic consulting firms and/or individual consultants as well as specialised consultants/experts if necessary to reinforce the needed local, institutional, educational and technical competence.

Consultants interested in participating in the prequalification procedure should announce their interest to the Vice President of EPC Generation and NRE IPP Procurement Management, e-mail:, with copy to the Tender Agent, Volker Spork,

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators