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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Private sector developers sought for small hydro projects in Uzbekistan

Uzbekhydroenergo (UGE), Uzbekistan's state-owned hydropower producer and developer, invites prequalification bids by 14 October from private sector developers for the construction of five small hydropower projects with a combined capacity of approximately 46.6 MW on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis. UGE is seeking private sector developer(s) or consortium/consortia to develop, finance, construct, own and operate the projects during the defined concession period as well as construct the associated evacuation infrastructure.

UGE has identified five small and medium projects to be developed on a PPP basis and is planning to award all projects under a single competitive bids process. The five shortlisted projects comprise the Dukent station in the Tashkent region (5 MW, average annual output of 24.2 GWh, with an estimated capex of US$ 12 million), the Kamchik Cascade in the Namangan region (19.1 MW, 71.7 GWh/year with an estimated capex of US$ 38.2 million); Kyzyldaryo project in Kashkadarya region (8.7 MW, 32.9 GWh/year, US$ 20.1 million) , Nizhnikuksu project in Tashkent region (8.9 MW, 30.95 GWh/year, US$ 28.6 million) and Suvli in the Kashkadarya region (4.9 MW, 19.2 GWh/year with an estimated capex of US$ 11.4 million).

The Government of Uzbekistan aims to prioritize the development of small and medium hydropower projects to diversify the country’s energy mix. Presidential Decree PF-101 dated 9 April 2022 instructed UGE to implement the development of such hydropower projects on a PPP basis.

All interested parties are invited to submit a Statement of Qualification (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements included in the Request for Qualification (RFQ) documents. As per the project’s requirements, any interested person intending to download the RFQ documents shall first accept the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The NDA shall be duly signed by an authorized representative of the potential applicant and forwarded to the all provided email addresses below, after that the link for downloading the RFQ documents will be shared accordingly. The link to the NDA can be accessed via the procurement notice published on UGE’s website at Queries or clarifications in relation to this RFQ should be submitted in writing by 12 September 2023 to all the e-mail addresses specified below:;;;; and  All interested developers can participate in the RFQ process by expressing their interest to the above-mentioned mails. All applicants must submit one complete copy of the SOQ to all e-mail addresses specified above by not later than 12 noon Tashkent Time on 14 October 2023. In addition, hardcopy submissions of one original (marked as ‘original’) and one copy of the SOQ can be submitted within two weeks of SOQ submission deadline. In such a case, the proof of shipment of the hard copy needs to be submitted before the submission deadline (for submitting the soft copy as mentioned above) to the Tender Committee Uzbekgidroenergo, Uzbekhydroenergo JSC, Navoi Street 22, 100011 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators