Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Panel of experts sought for Muvumba, Rwanda

The Rwanda Water Resources Board, on behalf of the Government of Rwanda, is seeking to recruit an Independent Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE) for the first phase of the Muvumba multipurpose water resources development programme.

The Rwanda Water Resources Board, on behalf of the Government of Rwanda, is seeking to recruit an Independent Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE) for the first phase of the Muvumba multipurpose water resources development programme.  Expressions of interest are sought by 23 November from qualified individual international consultants for the posts of: dam design and safety specialist (panel chair);, geologist/geotechnical expert; hydrologist; and a, water resources engineer.

The programme is designed to supply domestic and agricultural water, and to generate electricity from an associated hydropower plant in the Nyagatare region. Phase 1 of the programme will include the construction of a dam with a height of 30.5 m and effective storage capacity of 35 x 106 m3, a 740 kW (2 x 106 370 kW) hydropower facility, and detailed designs and environment and social impact assessments for downstream irrigation schemes (including livestock water) and water supply systems. While detailed water supply studies have yet to be completed, the programme is envisaged to supply about 24 000 m3 per day of water to 300 000 people in the areas of Karangazi, Rwimiyaga and Nyagatare, as well as for livestock use. The command area of the irrigation scheme is estimated at 7380 ha, covering Tabagwe, Gatunda, Karama, Rukomo, Nyagatare, Rwempasha, Musheri and Rwimiyaga sectors. The programme will also contribute to flood control.

Eligibility is restricted to member countries of the African Development Bank. The consultant will be selected as individual consultants in accordance with the African Development Bank, Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, October 2015. Full tender notices for the individual contracts can be viewed at:

Interested consultants are invited to submit resumés and relevant supporting documents by email to:

Prime Ngabonziza, Director General,

Rwanda Water Resources Board

PO Box 6213 Kigali


Email: tender.afdb@rwb.rw7


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