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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Panel of dam experts sought for Dodoma water development programme

The Ministry of Water of the United Republic of Tanzania seeks to engage individual experts to form an Independent Dam Safety Panel of Experts (DSPE) to assist with the first phase of the Dodoma Resilient and Sustainable Water Development and Sanitation Programme (DRSWDSP).

Expressions of interest are sought by 28 September from a Dam Safety Expert, acting as team leader/chairperson, a geological and geotechnical engineering expert and a hydrology/hydraulic expert.

The DRSWDSP, which is being financed by the African Development Bank, aims to improve the supply of water through the development of water resources for domestic and industrial use, sanitation services, food and nutrition security for the capital Dodoma and surrounding communities. The first phase will comprise construction of the Farkwa Dam and Water Treatment Plant, preparation of water conveyance systems to Dodoma and the towns of Bahi, Chemba and Chamwino; catchment protection and management, preparatory activities for subsequent investments; and programme management and capacity development.

The services included under this project Package II comprise (a) Review of baseline information, including (i) Topographic, hydrological, geological, geotechnical reports; (ii) Criteria and methodology of dam design; (iii) Criteria and methodology of determination of design flood and flood routing analysis; (iv) Dam safety management plan; (v) Hydraulic works; (vi) Dam operation and maintenance plans; (vii) Construction plans and quality assurance; and (viii) Safeguard documents; (b) Review of Dam supervision consultant deliverables; (c) Quality assurance of construction works; and (d) Overseeing the initial dam operation. The estimated input time for the design review and preparation of the tender document, construction and supervision assignment is 28 calendar months plus 12 months for the Defects Liability Period. Interested consultants must provide information  indicating that they are qualified to perform the services, including descriptions of assignments of similar nature in the last ten years in dam design, dam safety management plans, dam operation and maintenance plans, construction plans and quality assurance, and experience in similar conditions for at least three dams with the capacity of at least 400 million m3, as well as experience in Sub-Saharan Africa, and availability of appropriate managerial and technical skills.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below either in person or by courier only by 28 September at or before 14:00 hour’s local time. Email submission will not be accepted. For further information concerning Reference No/Tender No.:ME-011/2022-2023/C/12, contact: the Secretary, Ministerial Tender Board, Ministry of Water, Kolon Building adjacent to DUWASA Head office, PMU Offices, Chimwaga Road, Dodoma, Tanzania


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Ganz Hydrogenerators