Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

OMVG seeks technical assistance for Fello Sounga multipurpose project

The Organisation for the Development of the Gambia River (OMVG) invites expressions of interest by 15 February from qualified consultants to provide technical assistance services for the development of the Fello Sounga multipurpose dam in the Koliba-Corubal river basin, which extends over the east of Guinea-Bissau and north-west Guinea.

The contracted technical assistance, which entails the preparation of a feasibility study, preliminary design, detailed engineering design and tender documents, is being co-financed by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). The project is planned to be developed under OMVG’s strategy to 2040 within the framework of an integrated development masterplan for the Gambia, Kayanga-Geba and Koliba-Corubal river basins carried out by OMVG with the support of the UNCDF. The general objective of the project is to strengthen regional integration, through the economic, social and environmental optimization of the water and energy potential of the Koliba-Corubal river basin, based on an integrated and sustainable development approach. Dams and supplemented by the development of irrigated areas. The development of the Koliba/Corubal river watershed is expected to give rise to opportunities for economic and social growth, the reduction of immigration, rural exodus and poverty, and the improvement of health and living conditions of populations, while preserving the environment. Women and others vulnerable groups are also expected to benefit significantly. OMVG, whose member states are, is responsible for the rational and harmonious exploitation of the common resources of the Gambie, Kayanga-Géba et Koliba-Corubal

The consultant will also be required to examine the institutional, legal and organizational aspects, and define the role of the different stakeholders; establish the reference state of the environment in order to identify the main ecosystems, and better understand their mode of operation as well as their current state, and study the main environmental constraints. The consultant will also study the cumulative impacts of existing developments in the river basin as well as the effects of climate change on fauna and flora; Carry out an inventory of the socio-economic activities carried out in the basin, and identify the different constraints in terms of production and transport of electricity in OMVG member countries (Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal). Using existing mapping, the consultant will carry out topographical field work to determine the locations of works for all layout variants, as well as additional studies to determine the monthly sequence of natural water inflows to size permanent and temporary structures (spillways, temporary diversion works, etc.). The selected consultant will be required to determine the quality of the existing data and complete the missing data necessary for the completion of this study. The contracted services are estimated to take 14 months from contract signing.

Expressions of interest, written in French or English, must be sent by email to the addresses below or by post to the address below no later than 12.00 hours local time on 16 February with the mention “Etudes de faisabilité, APS,APD et élaboration du DAO du barrage à buts multiples (hydroélectricité et irrigation) de Fello-Sounga dans le bassin versant du fleuve Koliba/Corubal ». For further information contact:

Monsieur El Hadj Lansana Fofana, Haut-Commissaire, Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Gambie (OMVG), Immeuble C TIMM, 5èmeétage, sis Route de Ouakam, Mermoz, Dakar — Sénégal

BP: 2353 -CP : 18524 – Dakar R.P; Tel.: +221 33 859 28 40 ; Fax : +22133 822 59 26: E-mail: with copies to ,,, , ,

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators