Bids under a single-stage, two-envelope tender are invited by 16 April from registered contractors in India for the detailed design and engineering, manufacture, assembly, testing and commissioning of the electro-mechanical equipment for the run-of-river project. The works are expected to be completed within 50 months of the signing of a Letter of Intent, according to the procurement notice issued in late February.
India’s Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the construction of the Heo station last November (see H&D Issue 6, 2024), sanctioning a total outlay of INR 19.39 billion (US$ 229.7 million). The Government agreed to extend budgetary support of INR 1.273 billion for the Heo project to facilitate the construction of roads, bridges, and associated transmission lines under enabling infrastructure. The project, comprising three 80 MW units, and a design average annual output of 1 TWh, will be implemented through a joint venture between NEEPCO and the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
The tender notice with qualifying criteria can be viewed at:
Interested bidders who fulfil qualifying requirements may download the bid documents from the e-procurement portal at: Bids should be submitted and uploaded through the e-tendering system by 14.00 hours, 16 April. Queries can be made up to 8 April. For further information, contact: executive director, Contracts & Procurement, NEEPCO, Brookland Compound, Lower New Colony, Shillong 793003, Arunachal Pradesh, India; Email: