Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

MoUs signed for 4 GW of hydropower in Jammu and Kashmir

The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC), India’s state hydropower producer and developer, has signed MoUs with Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corpor­ation Ltd (JKSPDCL) and J&K Power Development Depart­ment (PDD) for the development of five hydro plants, totalling 4134 MW, in the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The agreements, which were signed on 3 January, are designed to transform Jammu and Kashmir from a state with a power supply deficit into a power surplus region, over the next four years.

Full details of the individual projects, their developers and their capacities can be found in the News section of H&D Issue 1, 2021.

NHPC and JKSPDC are already developing three hydropower projects totalling 2164 MW in the Chenab river basin in Jammu and Kashmir. Chenab Valley Power Projects, a joint venture of NHPC, JKSPDC and PTC India, was established in 2011 by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir and by the Central Government. Its mission is to harness the hydropower potential of the Chenab river basin. It is developing the 1000 MW Pakal Dul, 624 MW Kiru and 540 MW Kwar projects on a build, own, operate and maintain (BOOM) basis.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators