Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Mali seeks environmental audit of mini-hydro programme

The Republic of Mali's state power utility Energie du Mali (EDM-SA) intends to hire an individual consultant for the realization of the environmental and social audit of the Mini Hydroelectric Power Plant Development and Associated Distribution Networks Project for the years 2021-2023. Expressions of interest should be submitted no later than 20 December.

The Mini Hydroelectric Power Plant Development and Associated Distribution Networks Project, which is being co-funded by a grant and a loan from the African Development Fund, administered by the African Development Bank (AfDB), aims to increase national installed capacity and improve the rate of access of households to electricity, mainly through the construction of two mini hydroelectric power stations in Djenné and Talo.

As a result of funding constraints, the first phase will concern the construction of the 7.5 MW Djenné power plant and its associated distribution networks (around 106 km of high-tension lines to enable the electrification of 22 villages. The objective of the environmental and social compliance audit is to assess the level of compliance of the project with the provisions of the financing agreement, including national laws, regulations and procedures, the environmental and social requirements of the lessor and international good industrial practices (BPII). The audit will identify nonconformities, good practices and shortcomings, and recommend corrective actions

The full tender notice can be viewed at Expressions of interest must be submitted at the address below no later than 20 December at 15.00 hrs local time and expressly mention: “Recruitment of an individual consultant for the realization of the environmental and social audit of the Mini Hydroelectric Power Plant Development Project and Associated Distribution Networks”.

For further information, contact: Unité de Gestion du PDM-HYDRO, ACI 2000, Rue 332 en face du Centre d’Information Gouvernementale du Mali (CIGMA), Bamako, République du Mali; Tel: +223 6675 36 65; Email: and

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators