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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Malawi seeks technical advisor for Mpatamanga hydropower project

The Ministry of Energy (MoE) of Malawi is seeking to engage a consulting firm to act as technical advisor to the Government of Malawi (GOM) for the development of the 350 MW Mpatamanga hydropower project. Expressions of interest are invited by 9 March, according to a tender notice published on the World Bank's procurement website on 22 February.

The consulting services, which are to be financed by the World Bank, include a review of the work products of the strategic sponsor during the development phase. “The intent of the review process is to ensure all work is reviewed by an advisor with a duty to protect the interests of GoM as delegating authorities for the concession but also as stakeholders of the project company,” it states. The selected technical advisor will be required to pay “more specific attention to the GoM allocated risks” such as energy yield, ground conditions’ risks, low water events, quality and long-term sustainability of assets, tariff affordability, grid availability, transmission, dispatch, assets transfer and handover.

A consortium of France’s state energy group EDF and Norwegian renewable energy developer Scatec signed a binding commercial agreement in September of last year with the GOM and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group’s private sector arm, to co-develop the Mpatamanga project on the river Shire. The agreement concluded the selection process undertaken by the GOM to select a private sector partner to finance, build, and operate the plant on a Public-Private Partnership basis. The agreement also awarded the role of lead developer to the Norwegian-French consortium. Finance will be provided by EDF, Scatec, the IFC and the GOM – using funds from the World Bank – as well as debt from development finance institutions, to be co-ordinated by the IFC. Mpatamanga will comprise a 309 MW peaking plant and a 41 MW downstream plant. The project is expected to help reduce energy shortages and enhance energy security in Malawi. The 309 MW plant with its reservoir storage is designed to provide much needed peaking power and overall grid stability with its ability to ramp production up or down to meet demand.

Shortlisting criteria include experience in supporting the preparation of private sector and Public Private Partnership (PPP) based generation projects, particularly large hydropower, and experience in respect of the electricity supply markets in Sub-Sharan region, preferably in the SADC region.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by e-mail) by 14:00 hours local time, on 9 March, 2023. For detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) and any further information, contact: The Chairman of Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee, Ministry of Energy, Capital House, 2nd Floor, Private Bag 309, City Centre, Lilongwe 3, Malawi: E-mail: copy;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators