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Kyrgyzstan seeks bids to install second unit of Kambarata HPP-2

Electric Power Plants, Kyrgyzstan's state power producer, invites sealed bids by 1 March 2023 to design, supply, install, test and commission the second unit of Kambarata HPP-2 on the river Naryn.

The “Start-up of Second Generator Unit of Kambarata HPP-2 – Electromechanical Equipment and Civil Works” includes the construction/finalization of the tunnel/waterway, including the steel penstock with compensators, turbine, generator, main transformer, respective excitation and speed governor systems, as well as related civil works in the powerhouse and at the tailwater area, including riverbank protection and powerhouse finishing works, according to a notice published on the website of the Eurasian Development Bank on 18 November. The scope of contract also includes construction of a 500 kV substation with SF6 insulated circuit breakers, shunt reactors and 500/110 kV autotransformer, extension of the existing 110 kV substation, short transmission lines of 500 kV and 110 kV, control and protection systems and electrical and mechanical balance of plant. The works are to be co-financed by the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD).

Construction of the Kambarata-2 near Kara-Jygach in the Toktogul district of Jalal-Abad region in western Kyrgyzstan was launched in 1986 but halted in 1991 with the collapse of the former Soviet Union. Construction work resumed in 2007 with the commissioning of the first of three planned 120 MW units in November 2010. The first unit comprises a 122.5 MW radial-axial turbine, which was manufactured by the Leningrad Metal Plant, and a 120 MW vertical synchronous generator manufactured by Sibelektrotyazhmash. The available capacity of unit 1 is 90 MW due to the limited capacity of the connecting transmission line of 110 kV. The facility’s 60 m-high dam impounds a reservoir with a capacity of 70 x 106m3, of which 8 x 106m3 is available for power generation.

Bidding is open to all eligible bidders. The eligibility rules and procedures of EFSD and World Bank, specified in procurement policy for projects funded by EFSD, July 10, 2013 (“EFSD Procurement Policy”) and World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 (“Procurement Guidelines”), will govern the bidding process. Bidding will be conducted through the Single Stage, Single Envelope international competitive bidding procedure, in accordance with World Bank’s “Procurement Guidelines” and EFSD Procurement Policy.  The full tender notice can be viewed at

A complete set of documents, in English, may be purchased by interested eligible bidders, upon submission of a written application to the below-mentioned address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US$450. Payment should be made through bank transfer to the account of OJSC Electric Power Plants (Account number 1350100020037301) held at the OAO AIYL BANK, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, (Swift Code: AIYLKG22, Account number: 7C78USD013) through the intermediary Kookmin Bank, Seoul, South Korea (Swift code: CZNBKRSE). The payment should be accompanied with an explanatory note “Bidding documents KAHPP-2”. The price includes one set of documents as a hard copy (except Drawings from Division C Volume 2 and EIA from Volume 3) and a soft copy (complete set) recorded on an electronic data storage device and does not include courier charges.

All bids must be accompanied by a bid security as required in the bidding documents. For further information and to inspect the bidding documents, contact:  Mr. Daniyar Satymbaev, Electric Power Plants, Project Implementation Unit, 108 Shabdan-Baatyra Avenue (office 122), 720022, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Tel: +996 312 67 02 61

Tel/Fax: +996 312 66 34 09


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