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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Kyrgyz Republic launches bidding for rehabilitation of Uch-Kurgan

Kyrgyzstan’s state power producer Electric Power Plants (EPP) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders by 31 May for the replacement of the electromechanical generation equipment and hydraulic steel structure of the 180 MW Uch-Kurgan hydropower plant on the river Naryn.

Kyrgyzstan’s state power producer Electric Power Plants (EPP) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders by 31 May for the replacement of the electromechanical generation equipment and hydraulic steel structure of the 180 MW Uch-Kurgan hydropower plant on the river Naryn.

The works include the design, manufacturing, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning, and completion of works and services on a turnkey basis, as detailed and specified in the bidding documents. The contracted work is expected to be completed by 16 November 2024, according to a tender notice posted on the website of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on 17 April.

International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single Stage, Two-Envelope bidding procedure and is open to all bidders without nationality restrictions.

The rehabilitation of the plant, which is one of six stations comprising the Naryn-Syr Darya Cascade in the western province of Jalal-Abad, is being co-financed by the ADB and the Eurasian Development Bank. The modernization project will restore full operation of all four units of the plant, whilst raising total installed capacity to 216 MW. It will also entail the reinforcement of the plant’s hydraulic steel structure and dam infrastructure.

A pre-bid meeting and site visit will take place on 14 and 15 May at the site of the Uch-Kurgan plant in Shalmady Say. For attendance, bidders must send a written request at least two weeks before the pre-bid meeting with a copy of passport and description of the position for each of the designated representatives planning to visit the site. Each bidder will be limited to three representatives.

The full tender notice with qualifying criteria and instructions to purchase the bidding documents for a non-refundable fee of US$ 200 can be viewed on the website of the ADB at the following link:

To obtain further information and inspect the bidding document, contact:

Mr Chyngyz Dokbaev

Deputy Head

Investment Projects Implementation Department

Open Joint Stock Company Electric Power Plants

Office 525, 326 Jibek Jolu Avenue

Bishkek 720070;

Tel: +996 312 29 85 77

Fax: +996 312 66 20 54


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Ganz Hydrogenerators