Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Krapivinskiy scheme goes ahead in Russia

RusHydro is to proceed with the development of the last major hydro­power facility dating from the Soviet era that has not been completed, following the commissioning in early February of the Zaramagskaya 1 hydro plant in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

Russia’s state-controlled hydropower producer an­nounced on 10 February the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Government of the Kemerovo region to complete construction of the 300 MW Krapivinskiy hydropower complex on the river Tom in southwestern Siberia.

Under the agreement, RusHydro said it would work with the Govern­ment of the Kemerovo towards presenting the project to the Govern­ment of the Russian Federation and Russian Federation State Council, with the aim of including the project in the comprehensive national plan to upgrade and expand core infrastructure until 2024. The parties also agreed to seek sources of funding for the project jointly. Construction of the project, which was de­signed by Lenhydro­project, was launched in 1976, but suspended in 1989 when only 50 per cent complete, because of a lack of financing after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

RusHydro said that it would take five years to complete the hydroelectric complex and that already built structures could be utilized to complete construction. The facility will be equipped with three 115 MW units, increasing its projected in­stalled capacity to 345 MW, with annual average electricity output projected at 2 TWh. The total cost, as well as technical parameters, will be confirmed once project documentation is completed and approved by the General Board of State Expert Review.

In addition to power generation, the project will ensure flood control along the river Tom for Kemerovo and the neighbouring region of Tomsk, in­crease water supply for local cities, bring in additional investment into the region, foster economic growth, and provide local employment.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators