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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Hydro-mechanical expert sought for Lesotho Highlands Water Project

As part of phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, a hydro-mechnical expert is being sought to join a Panel of Experts.

The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority invites eligible persons to indicate their interest in providing the services of Hydro-Mechanical Expert on the Panel of Experts. The anticipated start date for this assignment is October 2018, and the project duration is expected to be seven years. Occasional visits to site and/or Maseru will be required, in tandem with home office work and so on.

Electronic submissions (in .pdf or other unalterable format) are requested on or before 15 October 2018 at 15:00 local time with the subject-line “EOI for LHWP2 Engineering Panel of Experts – Hydro-Mechanical Expert” to

Qualified persons are requested to provide CVs clearly demonstrating that they meet the following criteria: English fluency; professional registration with appropriate regional or international institutions; more than 25 years of experience on hydro-mechanical equipment on large dams, tunnels and hydropower installations; and, a minimum of five technical papers published internationally or presented at international conferences.

Persons or firms already engaged under any engineering contract on LHWP Phase II are not eligible for appointment on the PoE. Any potential conflict of interest should be declared with the application.

Clarifications on this EOI may be requested by email to The EOI will also be advertised on the LHDA website at

The Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-phase, bi-national project undertaken by the Governments of the Kingdom of Lesotho and of the Republic of South Africa in accordance with a Treaty signed between the two countries in 1986. The Phase II Project scope includes a 165 m-high concrete-faced rockfill dam (CFRD), a 38 km-long water transfer tunnel, a road bridge more than 500 m long and 100 m high, and all associated enabling infrastructure (roads, bridges, power supply, telecommunications, site establishment and operators facilities), plus a hydropower component including small hydro and other hydropower stations currently being studied.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators