Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Feasibility study sought for Chimgonda hydropower project in Malawi

Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO), Malawi's state power producer, invites expressions of interest by 16 December from qualified bidders to provide consultancy services for the feasibility study of the Chimgonda hydropower project on the Dwambazi river.

The scope of consultancy services include preparation of a bankable technical and economic feasibility study, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, detailed specifications and design, and tender documents for implementation of the project. The bankable feasibility report will enable EGENCO to seek market and stakeholder approvals and mobilise resources from local and international lenders for the implementation of the project. The consultancy services will be financed by EGENCO.

Three potential sites have been identified for the project – two on the river Dwambazi in Nkhotakota district in the central region and one on a tributary of the Dwambazi river in Nkhatabay district in the northern region. The project aims to increase installed capacity to meet the generation capacity-demand gap, diversify generation away from the Shire river as a way of mitigating the impacts of climate and environmental degradation and reduce power evacuation bottlenecks on the transmission system since most power plants are located in the southern region of Malawi.

Interested consultants must provide information to show they are qualified to perform the services including company experience with a description of similar assignments, showing experience in conducting feasibility studies for at least three hydropower projects with a capacity of at least 100 MW in the past eight years in similar conditions with one hydropower plant of similar capacity in Africa or a developing country in the tropics and a brief description of the qualifications and experience of at least four key experts with expertise in hydropower projects management and design, including a team leader, a hydrologist, a dam design engineer and a hydromechanical/electrical engineer, that are to be committed to the project.

International consultants should make a declaration to abide by the Government of Malawi requirement for a part of the consultancy services to be subcontracted or partner with local consultancy firms. Expressions of Interest, in sealed envelopes, clearly marked on the outer envelope with subject and Procurement Reference Number: EGC483/EOI/CS/FY2022-23, must be delivered before 14:00 hrs local time on 16 December to the Chairperson, Procurement and Disposal Department, EGENCO, Chayamba Building, No.7 Victoria Avenue, PO Box 1567, Blantyre.

For further information, contact:

Tel: +265 (0)183 6000


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators