Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Expression of interest to be a member of the Independent International Panel of Experts for Mentarang Induk Hydroelectric project (MIHEP), North Kalimantan, Indonesia

Suitably qualified and recognised experts in their respective fields are invited to participate in this Request for Proposal (RFP) exercise for MIHEP as follows:

No RFP Ref. No. Title Mandatory Eligibility
1. PDD2023/RFP/C-KAL/GAT Expression of interest to be a member of the Independent International Panel of Experts for Mentarang Induk Hydroelectric project (MIHEP), North Kalimantan, Indonesia. 1.     At least 20yrs experience in planning, design and supervision of large hydro projects, preferably CFRD>150m height

2.     Recognised specialist who have participated as a review panel in a similar project financed by World Bank or similar Financial Institution.

Interested experts in the field of CFRDs, Geology/Geotechnology, and Hydromechanical equipment are required to submit evidence of fulfilling the above mandatory Eligibility requirements, failing which, the RFP documents will not be considered.

Instruction to Proponents:

  1. Interested Proponents that meet the mandatory eligibility requirements are required to:
  2. Email the interest to participate for this RFP exercise to Please include the following details:
i. RFP Reference :
ii. RFP Tittle :
iii. Contact Person & Email Address :
iv. Attach all softcopy of evidence for mandatory eligibility requirements.
  1. Upon confirmation of eligibility, PT KHN will issue one set of the RFP Documents via email.
  2. PT KHN is committed to maximizing: a) the economic value of MIHEP to Indonesia and b) the participation of Indonesian business entities in the supply of goods and services to PT KHN. Both PT KHN and its Contractors will need to comply strictly with relevant Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) Regulations, as applicable.
  3. PT KHN is not liable for any cost incurred in the preparation of this RFP submission.

The completed RFP Documents shall be submitted to the address given below:

PT Kayan Hydropower Nusantara (KHN)

Not later than 3:00 p.m. (Jakarta Time) on the date specified below. Any RFP which is incorrectly addressed or not received after the deadline will not be considered.

RFP Reference Number Closing Date Closing Time
PDD2023/RFP/C-KAL/GAT 3 May 2023 3:00 p.m.

For enquiries, please email to PT KHN Project Director,

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators