Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Evaluation sought for Huoi Quang project in Vietnam

AFD invites expressions of interest from consultants by 2 August to evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of the Huoi Quang project.

Agence Française de Développement (AFD) plans to hire a consultancy firm, or one or more individual consultants, to carry out the ex-post evaluation of the 520 MW Huoi Quang hydropower project on the Nam Mu river, a tributary of the Da river in the Lai Chau and Son La provinces in northern Vietnam, which was financed by AFD for the benefit of Electricity of Vietnam (EVN).

The evaluation scope includes AFD’s financing of the contracts for the supply and installation of electromechanical equipment, civil works, panels of experts (for the monitoring and supervision of environmental and social impact and of dam safety), technical assistance, independent supervision and also the E&S management. The evaluation will also analyse the effectiveness of E&S measures and the sustainability of their effects (such as households’ livelihoods after resettlement, reforestation, waste management and site restoration) through the implementation of the social and environmental action plan. The evaluation task will be based on a three-stage approach: structuring the evaluation process; carrying out the evaluative analysis; and, presenting the conclusions of the analysis and recommendations. The assignment, which should start in October 2019, is estimated to take between 60-90 days.

The AFD has set up an ex-post evaluation tool to evaluate AFD-funded projects and programmes once they have been completed. This approach responds to AFD’s concern not only to ensure objective information on the proper use of the public funds for which the agency is accountable, but also to its desire to gain an in-depth understanding of the results of its activities, learn lessons from past interventions and foster greater dialogue with its partners. These evaluations will be financed and managed by AFD, entrusted to external consultants (from the OECD or from developing countries) and shared with its partners, the contracting authorities for the projects concerned. They will involve examining the performance of the project in line with the five criteria recommended by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), namely: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. To these five, AFD evaluations add a sixth criterion, which specifically looks at the value added of the operational intervention.

The full procurement notice can be viewed on AFD’s procurement website at:

Expressions of interest must be sent to:;;; and,

For further information, contact: Maylis Garcia. Project Manager, AFD, 28 Rue Thanh Nien, Yen Phu, Tay Ho Hanoi, Hanoi 100000, Viêt Nam; Email:

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Ganz Hydrogenerators