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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

ESIA sought for 300 MW El Menzel pumped-storage project in Morocco

Expressions of interest are invited by 24 January to carry out an ESIA for a proposed pumped-storage scheme in Morocco.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) intends to engage a qualified consultant to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of a proposed 300 MW pumped-storage powerplant in El Menzel in northern Morocco.

The EBRD announced on 23 December that it is considering providing financing to Morocco’s state utility, L’Office National de l’Électricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE), for the project in Sefrou Province, in the region of Fès-Meknès, alongside the European Investment Bank and Germany’s development bank, KfW. The overall objective of the assignment is to prepare the ESIA and conduct stakeholder engagement to present the documents necessary to secure the environmental permit of the project as per national regulation and allow financial closure by the lenders. The project, which has been classified as a Category A project for the EBRD, EIB and KfW, requires an ESIA aligned with the environmental and social policies of the lenders. The detailed scope of work and services of the assignment are further described in the full Terms of Reference, which can be accessed at:

The assignment is expected to start in February 2020 and is estimated to take up to 12 months. Subject to availability of funding, the performance of the selected consultant and the business needs, the assignment may be extended beyond the current scope. Interested firms or groups of firms are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal. The consultant is expected to propose a budget to complete the assignment and achieve the objectives defined in the Terms of Reference.

The consultant should have: previous project experience in conducting ESIAs as well as Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Frameworks in the energy sector in the region or similar EBRD countries of operation; knowledge of EBRD, World Bank and EU requirements for ESIAs as well as the Bank’s Environment and Social Policies; and, knowledge of the Moroccan regulation and permitting processes. Experience working with EBRD or other IFIs will be considered an advantage.

A completed technical and financial proposal should be submitted as per the standard templates and instructions available at: The technical proposal shall be submitted in English electronically via eSelection, as one single PDF file. The technical proposal should not exceed 50 pages excluding the Declaration Form and CVs (Form 1- TP 1 and Form 1 – TP 6). The Financial Proposal (Form 2 – FP 1 and FP2) should be submitted separately, in English, to the following e-mail address: The project number (81623) and title (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for El Menzel pumped-storage powerplant) should be indicated in the subject of the e-mail. The tender notice can be viewed on the EBRD’s website at

For further information, contact: Aleksandra Lewandowska, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN; Email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators