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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

ESIA and ESMP sought for Maguga hydropower projects in Eswatini

Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC), the state-owned power utility of the Kingdom of Eswatini, has issued a Request for Proposals (RfP) from qualified consultants to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and the associated Environmental and Social Mitigation Plan (ESIA/ESMP) for the expansion of the existing Maguga hydropower plant on the river Komati as well as development and construction of a new hydropower plant downstream of the Maguga Dam.

The objectives of the assignment are to prepare a full Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

(ESIA) for each of the proposed projects (including transmission line, substations as well as ancillary and associated facilities) together with the associated Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), in accordance with relevant respective laws and policies of the Government of Eswatini and in accordance with DFIs environmental and social safeguards policies. The EEC aims to meet the requirements of the developmental finance’s environmental and social safeguard policies in addition to Eswatini’s mandatory Environmental Audit Assessment and Review Regulations (EAARR) of 2000.

The ESIA and comprehensive mitigation plan with associated plans shall be collated into a report to be submitted to the Eswatini Environment Authority for review and authorization. Environmental and social impacts shall be considered in an integrated manner taking into consideration all relevant direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental and social impacts of the proposed project.

The proposed Maguga Hydropower Expansion Project, which would increase installed capacity by an additional 10 MW to 20 MW, will entail the construction of a new reinforced concrete surface powerhouse, equipped with generating equipment, dewatering bay, and associated infrastructure, as well as an extension to the existing switchyard and installation of a new transformer. The Lower Maguga Scheme would involve the construction of a 6.6 km-long canal to convey water to a new power station with installed capacity of around 10 MW and a re-regulating pond at Meleti. Discharge from the turbines is to be released downstream into a second regulating pond formed in the river by means of a concrete weir, located 1.3 km downstream of the new powerhouse.

The Request for Proposals with the Terms of Reference (ToR) providing information about the project and details of the scope of the proposed ESIA/ESMP, its purpose, and the expected outputs, can be downloaded at or Bids should be delivered no later than 11.00 am on 28 October in a sealed envelope to EEC Head Office, Eluvatsini House, Mhlambanyatsi Road, Mbabane, Eswatini, clearly marked as “RFP 017 of 2022/23 Consultancy Services for the Preparation of The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental and Social Mitigation Plan (ESMP) for Maguga Hydropower Projects”. Documents should be submitted with proof of payment of a non-refundable tender fee of Eswatini Lilangeni (SZL) 1000. Proposals may be sent by courier, or hand delivered. Faxed and e-mailed tenders will not be accepted. All enquiries may be addressed to no later than the 20 October.

For further information, contact: Bongani Chauke, Procurement Manager, Eswatini Electricity Company, P.O. Box 258, Mbabane, H100, Eswatini

Tel.: +268 2409 4165

Fax: +268 2404 1470

Hydro Engineering
Hydro Engineering