The scope of services includes:
(i) Carrying out an environmental audit to assess the level of environmental performance of the Mavuzi, Chicamba, Cuamba and Lichinga hydroelectric plants and submission of the respective report;
(ii) Carrying out the identification of aspects and assessment of environmental impacts associated with the operation of the plants from a life cycle perspective;
(iii) Define concrete prevention, minimisation, mitigation and/or compensation measures for negative environmental impacts and optimise measures for the enhancement of the positive impacts generated by the operation of the plants in compliance with applicable legislation;
(iv) Review and update the legal framework applicable to hydroelectric generation activities;
(v) Update processes, programmes and documentation relating to the management of environmental aspects of the operation phase;
(vi) Review and update the environmental management responsibilities of all stakeholders; and,
(vii) Submit environmental management plans to the relevant environmental authorities.
Bidders are invited to express interest in providing these services through a letter of presentation and
expression of interest to be written in Portuguese, accompanied by company documents including a document of legal authorization to carry out the activity. They should also include CVs of key staff, financial and tax declarations for the last three fiscal years, a commercial registration certificate and a brief description of supplies and services provided in at least three projects in the electricity sector. Bidders should submit two hard copies and a copy in digital format, recorded on a USB key.
A maximum of six bidders will be shortlisted and subsequently invited to submit their technical and financial proposals, in accordance with the Terms of Reference. The evaluation of technical and financial proposals will be based on the quality and price of the services to be performed.
The EDM supplier portal can be accessed through: for the purposes of registration, communication and participation in construction tenders, supply of goods and provision of services to EDM.
For further information, contact: Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P., Direcção de Aquisições, Av. Eduardo Mondlane, Nº 1398, 7º Andar, Maputo, Moçambique: Tel.: +258 21 422571;