Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Enso invites bids to buy Austrian hydro portfolio

The hydropower asset manager enso GmbH of Austria has invited offers to buy a portfolio of two hydro plants and one solar PV system in Lower Austria and Carinthia, with an expected energy production of 2.54 GWh/year. The company, which acquires, co-ordinates, and operates powerplants, as well as offering advisory, merger and acquisition, financing, structuring, and portfolio optimization services, noted on 24 February that the sale represents “a unique opportunity to acquire an Austrian powerplant portfolio in a prime location in the current attractive environment of an EU ‘Green Deal’, the phase-out of nuclear and coal-fired power”.

The hydro plants have de facto perpetual water rights for ongoing production and the market environment for renewable energy is very attractive, with the forecasts for the development of electricity prices having increased significantly in recent times. Interested buyers should send an expression of interest (stating the company name/name of the interested party, and if applicable the company register number, address and contact person) to:

On submission of an expression of interest and a declaration of confidentiality, bidders will receive a detailed investment memorandum and a process flow with the next steps. On this basis, a non-binding offer is requested. The best ranked offers receive access to the data room and an invitation to a company tour, the company added.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators