Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

EDM to tender off-grid hydro-based networks

A general procurement notice has been issued for the construction of two mini hydro plants in Mali. Tenders are expected to be launched in October.

Mali’s state power utility, Société Energie du Mali (EDM), has issued a general procurement notice for the construction of the Djenné and Talo mini-hydro plants on the river Bani, the principal tributary of the Niger river in Mali, as well as for institutional support and project management services. Tenders are expected to be launched this October.

The two projects are the first of six run-of-river projects with associated distribution grids that EDM is planning to develop as part of a national programme for the development of mini-hydropower and related distribution networks (Projet de développement de mini-centrales hydroélectriques et leurs réseaux de distribution associés or PDM-HYDRO) with the financial support of the African Development Group. The programme, which also comprises the Billy, Kénieto, Woroni and Farako mini and micro hydropower schemes, aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing small diesel generators and increase the rate of access to electricity in rural areas. The first two projects involve the installation of 8.9 MW of new capacity, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 15 800 t CO2 and the connection of some 12 500 consumers to the grid. The Talo project, located 50 km from San in the central region of Ségou, and the downstream Djenné project, near Soala in the neighbouring region of Mopti, will be built at existing irrigation dams, and are expected to supply around 24 GWh/year to around 60 villages through the construction of medium- and low-voltage distribution networks. The project will also include the installation of single-phase and three-phase prepayment meters and street lighting.

Bidders are now invited to register their interest with:

Tountou Ballo, Coordonnateur du Projet, Unité de Gestion du PDM-HYDRO, Direction des Etudes et Planification Stratégique, Société Energie du Mali SA,
BP 69, sise à l’ex immeuble de la BMS – ACI, 2000-Bamako, Mali.
Tel: +223 66 75 36 65;

For further information, contact:

Amidou Kone, Expert Distribution Electricité.
Tel: +223 66 74 72 14;

or Patrice Coulibaly, Expert Centrale,
Tel: +223 66 75 41 66;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators