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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Detailed design sought for Pokko in Indonesia

Indonesia’s state-owned, vertically-integrated power utility, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN) invites expressions of interest by 3 May from consultants to prepare detailed design and market analysis for the 124.5 MW Pokko hydropower project on the island of Sulawesi. The consultancy services will be financed by the World Bank through the Technical Assistance and Capacity Building under Development of Pumped Storage Hydropower in the Java Bali System Project.

The proposed project on the Mamasa river, some 22 km upstream of the dam of the existing Bakaru hydropower plant, in the central/western part of Sulawesi, will consist of an RCC dam with curved axis and a height of 126 m between dam crest elevation of +826 m and main foundation level of +700 m; a power waterway consisting of an intake, a 178 m long headrace tunnel, a 184 m pressure shaft, surge tank, and a 2.23 km long tailrace tunnel;  an underground power station housing three turbine units with a total installed capacity of 124.5 MW with access tunnel and transformer cavern, and a 150 kV transmission line with a length of 26 km. A feasibility study was completed in 2019.

The consulting services will entail preparation of detailed design and market analysis of the project through four stages: Stage I: Review of the feasibility study and scope of works for additional investigations; Stage II: Additional investigations; Stage III: Detailed design and Stage IV: Market analysis and procurement strategy. The consultant shall also carry out (through sub-consultants), and manage and supervise additional geological investigations and laboratory testing, including excavation of exploratory adits and in-situ testing; Physical hydraulic model tests of dam and spillway; a Topographic Survey (LiDAR) including reservoir area, access road, and transmission line.

Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services including presenting consultant/firm profile, description of similar assignments (completed with assignment title, assignment location/country, name of employer/client, type of services provided, period of contract (starting date and completion date), and contract value), etc. Consultants are expected to have similar experience and successfully completed at least two international contracts, of which one in similar tropical conditions as Indonesia, in the last 20 years in undertaking preparation of: (i) Detailed design for civil works for hydropower projects, according to FIDIC’s Red Book (or MDB version), with RCC dam with heights over 100 m, tunnel lengths over 2 km and underground powerhouse; (ii) Tender design for electromechanical equipment for hydropower projects, according to FIDIC’s Yellow Book with an installed capacity of at least 50 MW per unit; (iii) Tender design for hydraulic steel structure equipment, according to FIDIC’s Yellow Book, with an installed capacity of at least 125 MW; and (iv) tender design for transmission line, according to FIDIC’s Yellow Book, of at least 150 kV. Experience is also expected in (i) Stability analysis, including 3D dynamic analysis, of RCC dams, (ii) Deformation analysis (rock mass model) of underground powerhouse caverns, (iii) Seismic hazard analysis, (iv) Preparation of Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR) and (v) Hydraulic transient analysis.

The consultant may associate in the form of a joint venture, or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. The experience of the Joint Venture partners (and not that of the sub-consultants) will be considered for the purposes of shortlisting. A consultant will be selected in accordance with Quality-and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the consultant guidelines. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a softcopy to the below-mentioned address. For further information, contact: Hendro Prasetyawan, Executive Vice President of Generation and NRE Procurement Division, c/o Vice President Generation and NRE IPP Procurement Management, PT PLN, Kantor Pusat, 15th Floor, Main Building, Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M-I/135, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160, Indonesia; Tel.: +62 (0)81325499899; Fax: +62 21 722 7060;  E-mail:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators