Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Deadline approaching: Tender launched for Nam Pa Nga project, Myanmar

The tender for the Nam Pa Nga scheme was issued on 10 June and the deadline for submission of bids is 9 July.

On 10 June 2020, Myanmar’s Department of Hydropower Implementation (DHPI) under the Ministry of Electricity and Energy issued a tender for the design, supply and supervision of the erection and commissioning of hydraulic steel structures and electromechanical work for the Nam Pa Nga hydropower project. Qualified contractors and/or joint ventures may submit bids.

The project is located on the Nampanga Chaung, one of the main tributaries of the Chindwin river in the territory of the Homalin Township area, Sagaing Region.

Interested bidders may procure the complete set of tender documents from the office of the DHPI by paying a non-refundable fee of MMK 300 000 (approximately US$ 215). Tender documents will be available until 25 June 2020. The completed bid document must be submitted in person at the office of the DHPI by 9 July 2020 at 13.00 hrs (Myanmar Standard Time).

Late proposals, and those which are submitted by electronic means or through courier services, will be rejected. The invitation for tender clearly stipulates that no request for an extension of the bid submission deadline will be entertained. Given the short window of opportunity, prospective bidders must accelerate their processes of preparing bid documentation.

Hydro Engineering
Hydro Engineering