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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Dam safety experts sought for Angololo Water Resources Development Project

The Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), on behalf of the Governments of the Republics of Uganda and Kenya, invite expressions of interest by 22 July from individual consultants to provide technical advisory support on dam safety as part of the Angololo Water Resources Development Project.

The Angololo Water Resources Development (AWRD) project will involve the construction of a 30 m-high composite rockfill/concrete gravity dam, across the River Malaba in Kalait village on the border of Uganda and Kenya, which will impound a reservoir with storage capacity of 43 x 106 m3, as well as a 1.75 MW hydropower plant.

The multipurpose dam is designed to store water for irrigation (command area of 3300 ha of land in Uganda and in Kenya), livestock watering, water supply and hydropower generation. Additional benefits include flood control, recreation, fisheries development as well as restoration of upstream watershed. This project will directly benefit more than 25 000 people while indirect beneficiaries will be more than 400 000 people. The contracted services are to be financed from a grant from the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility Special Fund (NEPAD-IPPF Special Fund) managed by the African Development Bank. The consultants will form a Panel of Experts to review and advise NELSAP on matters related to dam safety and other critical aspects of the dam, its appurtenant structures, the catchment area, the reservoir rim, project formulation; technical design, construction procedures and, associated works such as power facilities, river diversion during construction and fish passages. NELSAP will contract the services of the panel, provide administrative support for the panel’s activities and arrange for semi-annual panel meetings and reviews, which will continue through the investigation, design, construction, and initial filling and start-up phases of the dam. After each meeting, the panel will provide a report of its conclusions/recommendations. The Panel of Experts will comprise three individual consultants, a dam design and construction expert (Panel Chair), a geologist/geotechnical expert and a hydrologist. Qualifications and duties of each of the three positions can be viewed in the procurement notice published on AfDB’s website.

Interested consultants are invited to submit resumes and relevant supporting documents by email to: with copy to

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators