Bids are invited by 3 April for the detailed design of the main structures of the Kosinj hydropower system, which includes all construction, architectural, geotechnical, and electromechanical plans based on the existing main detailed design, according to a tender notice published on the EU’s procurement portal on 3 March.
The preparation of documentation for the contracting of the main works is underway, which will be carried out on the basis of the detailed design, which needs to be made in accordance with the main project.
The Kosinj hydropower system, which was declared as a strategic state project by the Government in July 2021, is a subsystem of the Senj hydropower system and represents the second phase of its construction, aimed at improving the regulation and use of the Lika and Gacka rivers, HEP said.
The project will entail the construction of the Kosinj hydropower plant on the river Lika, with an installed capacity of 33.7 MW, and the Kosinj reservoir. The reservoir is currently designed to be formed by three rockfill dams: (Kosinj (with a height of 58.5 m), Sedlo (24 m) and, Bakovac (47.9 m).
The project will also require the construction of an intake tunnel and the Bakovac-Lika canal with a total length of 4.6 km, which will increase water flow from tributaries of the river Lika, the installation of an 110 kV substation as well as the building of service roads and replacement of existing roads. In addition, the project will entail the reconstruction of the existing upstream Sklope plant with a capacity of 24 MW.
Construction of the Bakovac-Lika intake tunnel and canal began in June 2022, while construction of the main facilities for the Kosinj hydropower system, such as dams and power stations, are expected to start in 2026.
Procurement documents can be accessed and bids in Croatian submitted via For further information, contact: Procurement department, HEP d.d., Ulica grada Vukovara 37, Grad Zagreb 10000, Croatia; Email:; Tel.: +385 16322111;