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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Croatia launches call for renewable energy projects

Croatia’s state power producer and supplier Hrvatska Elektroprivreda, has launched an open call for the development and sale of renewable energy projects.

The tender targets local self-government units and private developers interested in the sale of hydropower plants under development and in operation, non-integrated solar powerplants under development, and wind farms under development or in operation. Interested partners are invited to submit a letter of intent to HEP by 31 December 2019.

The call is directed at two kinds of potential partner: legal or natural entities seeking to sell their projects, including hydropower plants under development or in operation with a minimum capacity of 1 MW; and, non-integrated solar powerplants under development with a minimum capacity of 2 MW and wind farms under development that will operate more than 2500 hours a year. A valid location permit is required for projects under development while candidates with a valid building permit will have an advantage and, local self-governing units such as towns and municipalities that are interested in constructing solar powerplants and have appropriate land surfaces larger than 100 000 m2 with high levels of sunshine. Local self-government units will contribute to the project through the joint preparation of spatial planning documents for the desired locations.

Potential partners (legal or natural entities) are obliged to submit the following information: title and name of the project’s coordinator; capacity of the plant; cost-benefit analysis for the projects under development; the annual generation data for the projects in operation; the plant’s location (mapping and the cadastral plot number); the status for the projects under development (the status of the procedure for obtaining of the Building/Location Permit, the property-legal affairs’ resolution status and the electricity grid connection status); and, a quotation of the expected project’s purchase price. The Letter of Intent should be written on official letterhead citing contact data of the responsible person on behalf of the potential partner (postal address, e-mail address and telephone number). Local self-governing units are obliged to submit the letter signed by the City Mayor or municipal prefect containing the mapping and relevant data (name of the cadastral municipality, cadastral plot, surface area and expected time required for the modification of the spatial-planning documents) of the proposed location for the solar power project.

Potential partners are invited to submit a Letter of Intent by 31 December 2019 to the e-mail address:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators