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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consulting services sought to assist with competitive bidding for PPP projects

The Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on behalf of the state-owned hydropower producer and developer Uzbekhydroenergo, seeks to engage a team of international consultants to support and assist with the organization of competitive bids for the development of five small hydropower projects with a cumulative capacity of 46.6 MW on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis.

Expressions of interest are invited by 23 March for the services of a technical consultant, a legal consultant and a financial consultant. The consulting services are to be financed by the World Bank within the framework of the Institutional Capacity Building Project for the Department of Development Public-Private Partnership and Reduction of State Functions under the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Uzbekhydroenergo. A technical advisory company will lead the efforts, with legal and financial advisors in a support role. The financial, legal and technical international consulting companies (advisors) for the assignment shall be procured separately.

The Government of Uzbekistan aims to prioritize the development of small and medium hydropower projects to diversify the country’s energy mix. Presidential Decree PF-101 dated 9 April 2022 instructed Uzbekhydroenergo to implement the development of such hydropower projects on a PPP basis. Uzbekhydroenergo has identified five small and medium projects to be developed on a PPP basis and is planning to award all projects under a single competitive bids process. The five shortlisted projects comprise the Dukent station in the Tashkent region (5 MW, average annual output of 24.2 GWh, with an estimated capex of US$ 12 million), the Kamchik Cascade in the Namangan region (19.1 MW, 71.7 GWh/year with an estimated capex of US$ 38.2 million); Kyzyldaryo project in Kashkadarya region (8.7 MW, 32.9 GWh/year, US$ 20.1 million) , Nizhnikuksu project in Tashkent region (8.9 MW, 30.95 GWh/year, US$ 28.6 million) and Suvli in the Kashkadarya region (4.9 MW, 19.2 GWh/year with an estimated capex of US$ 11.4 million).

The key objectives of the services are to: (i) Provide support to the authorities on review of the existing studies and identify additional studies that will be required for implementing competitive bids; (ii) Provide support in preparing all the tender-related technical documentation and provide technical support to Uzbekhydroenergo and Uzbekhydroenergo’s financial and legal advisors for deploying a competitive bid scheme for the project; and (iii) Provide detailed technical assistance to the relevant authorities for the implementation of the hydropower competitive bids. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services by submitting directly to the

The consultants will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form in English, Russian or Uzbek languages (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by 23 March 2023 to Foziljon Kalandarov, Manager of the Project, the Project Implementation Unit under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 29 Istiklol St., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100017: Tel.: +998907380050; E-mail: Further information can be obtained from Ahadbek Khaydarov, Tel.:+ 998 71 2394646; E-mail:; Website:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators