Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consulting services sought for Ruzizi IV regional project

Energie des Grands Lacs (EGL) is set to initiate studies for the development of the Ruzizi IV regional hydro plant on the Ruzizi river, which forms the border between the DRC and Rwanda. The international organization formed under the auspices of the Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL) has issued a general procurement notice for consulting services to finalize the technical, economic, financial and institutional feasibility of the 287 MW run-of-river project as well as assess the environmental, social and climate change impacts and determine appropriate mitigation measures. Qualified consultants will be sought to carry out technical studies (feasibility study, detailed pre-project and preparation of tender documents, environmental, social and climatic studies), economic and financial viability studies, a study of the institutional framework and financial set-up of the project, a study of the preparation of the implementation of the project, as well as project management, monitoring and coordination services.

The consulting services contracts are to be financed from a €8 million donation from the EU’s Investment Facility for Africa administered by the African Development Bank (EU/PAGODA) and a grant of US$ 980 000 from the African Development Bank, through the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility Fund (NEPAD IPPF).

The project is designed to contribute to the socio-economic development of the populations in the sub-region of the Great Lakes countries (Burundi, DRC and Rwanda) through greater availability and access of energy at an affordable cost as well as to strengthen regional cooperation and integration. The project is one of the priority infrastructure projects identified by EGL under its Regional Energy Master Plan, which aims to exploit the hydroelectric potential of the Ruzizi river fully. It will be the last of a cascade of four plants on the Ruzizi. The 29.8 MW Ruzizi I and 43.8 MW Ruzizi II are already operational while the 147 MW Ruzizi III is under development, with prequalification bids for an EPC contractor invited late last year (See H&D Issue 1, 2021).

For additional information and to confirm interest, contact:

Charles Vumbi Mbenga,
Directeur Général de l’EGL,
Organisation de la CEPGL pour l’Energie des Pays des Grands Lacs,
Boulevard de l’UPRONABP 1912,
Bujumbura, Burundi.
Tel.: +257 22 22 55 04;
Fax: +257 22 22 41 57;


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators