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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consulting services sought for Kakono project in Tanzania

The Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) invites expressions of interest by 21 July for consultancy services for construction supervision and management of the 87.8 MW Kakono hydropower plant in the northwestern region of Kagera.

The project, which will cost an estimated US$ 309 million, is to be financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Union-Africa Investment Platform (EU-AIP) and the French development agency, the AFD. It will comprise a 42 m-high, 1380 m-long concrete-faced rock-fill dam and a 61 m-high, gravity roller compacted concrete dam. The dams will create a small reservoir with a storage capacity of 90 x 106 m3, allowing the option of daily or weekly regulation of the river flow when necessary. The run-of-river plant, which will produce average annual output of about 524 GWh, is designed to address electricity supply deficits particularly in the Kagera, Geita and Mwanza regions in the Lake Zone. Its construction will also help to improve TANESCO’s financial sustainability through the decommissioning of its expensive diesel-based power plants in the Kagera Region.

The consultancy services will include:(a) Design review of existing feasibility study reports and prepare the associated works bidding documents; (b) Support the client in the procurement of works pertaining to the hydropower plant, and (c) Construction supervision of works comprising: (i) the hydropower plant and associated facilities, (ii) a 38.5 km, 220 kV evacuation transmission line from the plant switchyard to the existing Kyaka 132/33 kV substation, and (iii) Uprating the existing substation from 132/33 kV to 220/132/33 kV. In line with the International Commission on Large Dams, the construction supervision services will be conducted in collaboration with an independent panel of experts. The panel of experts, that is to be recruited separately, will provide support and guidance to the Project Implementation Team on matters relating to the construction of the hydropower plant in accordance with international best practices. Consultants may constitute joint ventures to enhance their chances of qualification. Expressions of Interest (either unzipped or zipped via WINRAR or Winzap not exceeding 15 MB) may be submitted to the address below or via email to, and the password shared via

For further information, contact: The Secretary, Tender Board, Tanzania Electric Supply Company, Umeme Park Building, Ubungo, Ground Floor, Tender Room, Room No. G04, P.O. Box 9024, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania; Tel.: +255 (22) 2451145/2452172; +255 782 376147; Email:,

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators