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Consulting services sought for dam safety assessment study for Five Dams in Georgia

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) invites expressions of interest by 29 March 2024 from eligible consulting firms to conduct a safety assessment of five existing dams and a feasibility study of the Ilto dam.

The consulting services are to be financed by the World Bank under the Georgia Resilient Agriculture, Irrigation and Land (GRAIL) project, which aims to improve irrigation, drainage services and agricultural production in project areas, and strengthen national irrigation and land management institutional capacity for climate resilient planning.

The assignment is divided into three components: Component A: Assessment of the Safety Conditions of Narekvavi Dam; Component B: Assessment of the Safety Conditions of Four Dams in the Kvemo Kartli Region, and Component C: Basic Design of Ilto dam. Each component has its own objective, scope of services, list of deliverables and schedule. Overall duration of the assignment is 62 weeks.

For Component A, the selected consultant shall review and update the safety conditions of the Narekvavi dam and its appurtenant structures as per World Bank standards to ensure their good operating conditions, long-term integrity and safety and, where applicable, to estimate the need for remedial safety measures necessary to upgrade the dam and appurtenant structures to an acceptable standard of safety, considering the potential risk of the dam and urgency of interventions, along with their basic design and preliminary cost and time estimates. The consultant shall also prepare detailed technical specifications for acquiring reservoir dredging equipment and draft a reservoir dredging methodology, including a multi-year dredging schedule.

For Component B, the consultant shall review and update the safety conditions of the Lakublo, Pantiani, Mtisdziri and Khorkhori dams, as per the requirements set out for the Narekvavi dam for Component A. In addition, for the Pantiani, Mtisdziri, and Khorkhori dams, the consultant shall include mitigation measures in the design to reduce the leakage across the dam body and through the dam foundation to an acceptable level.

The MEPA is also planning to resume construction of the Ilto dam based on a new engineering design developed according to international standards. Under Component C, the consultant shall undertake basic studies and site investigations, prepare the project alternatives, and develop the feasibility design of the preferred option. For the preferred alternative, the consultant will be required to prepare a technical-economic report and drawings, and also evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of using the reservoir for hydropower generation and prepare a technical-economic report.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found using the link below:
For further information, contact: Ioseb Tchonkadze, Procurement Consultant, MEPA, 34 Marshal Gelovani Ave, 0159 Tbilisi, Georgia; Tel.: +995 32 2470101; Email:;;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators