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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consulting services sought for benefit sharing programme for Rogun

The Projects Management Group for Energy Facilities Construction under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan invites expressions of interest by 18 January from eligible consulting firms to design and provide implementation support for a benefit sharing programme for the 3600 MW Rogun hydropower project.

The objective of the assignment, which is to be financed by the World Bank under its Technical Assistance for Financing Framework for the Rogun Hydropower Project, and will entail eight tasks, includes:

  • a review of the Tajik legal and regulatory framework relevant to benefit sharing mechanisms;
  • a review of relevant international experience and identify options on benefit sharing to increase support by local communities for hydropower projects, based on international experiences;
  • conduct consultations with communities that are directly and indirectly affected by the dam; and,
  • analyzing and proposing options for benefit sharing arrangements and activities during the construction and operation phases of the project.

The tender notice, including details of the tasks and the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services, are available for viewing on the World Bank’s procurement website. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the primary procurement stage for the assignment can be found at:

Construction of the US$3.9 billion project in the upper reaches of the Vakhsh river in the Pamir mountains, west of the Himalayas, was initiated in October 2016. WeBuild, the Italy-based engineering giant is responsible for the main civil works including the construction of the rockfill dam with a loam core on behalf of OJSC Rogun Hydropower Plant, the state-run project developer. Rogun will be the highest dam in the world with a dam crest at el. 1300, breaking the record held by the Nurek dam, also in Tajikistan. At 335 m, Rogun will also be the tallest dam in the world.

Once fully commissioned in 2026, Rogun will double the Central Asian country’s generation capacity.

Expressions of interest must be prepared in English and submitted electronically (in PDF format) to the email address mentioned below, by 17:00 Dushanbe local time on 18 January 2023.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality-And-Cost Based Selection method set out in the Procurement Regulations. For further information contact: Pulod Muhiddiniyon, Director. Projects Management Group for Energy Facilities Construction under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, 5/1 Shamsi Str., 6th floor, 734064, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Tel: +992 372 357 417

Email:; and/or Suhbatkhon Attoev; +992 900 999 550


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators