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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultants sought for Upper Arun panel of experts

The Nepal Electricity Authority is seeking consultants from various disciplines for a panel of experts on the Upper Arun scheme.

The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) invites expressions of interest by 10 January from consultants to serve on a panel of experts to provide independent technical review for the detailed engineering design and preparation of bidding documents for construction of the 335 MW Upper Arun and 30 MW Ikhuwa Khola projects in Sankhuwasabha District in the Eastern Development Region.

The Upper Arun peaking run-of-river plant with a gated weir, on the river Arun, is to be developed in association with the Ikhuwa Khola project, which is to be built on a tributary of the Arun, 8 km downstream of the Upper Arun powerhouse and 5 km upstream of the Arun III headworks. Sinotech Engineering Consultants in partnership with Changjiang Survey, Planning, Design and Research Company were contracted in January 2018 by the NEA to carry out detailed engineering design for the project (see H&D Issue 2, 2018).

Expressions of interest are sought in three separate tenders from individual consultants for the roles of seismologist, electro-mechanical engineer and glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) expert as part of a member of the dam safety panel of experts (DSPOE). The contracts are to be financed by the World Bank under the Power Sector Reform and Sustainable Hydropower Development Project. The consulting services include providing independent technical review of the reports and deliverables of the design consultant with intermittent input spanning 33 months.

Interested consultants should provide an up to date CV with information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. For the role of seismologist (Reference No: PSRSHDP/ NEA/S/IND-12), the consultant should have at least 20 years of professional experience with adequate experience of seismological investigation, studies and design as part of detailed engineering design of large hydropower projects with remarkable high dams. The experience in seismological investigation and studies of hydropower projects in the Himalayan Region will be an added advantage. The electro-mechanical engineer (Reference No: PSRSHDP/ NEA /S/IND-13) should have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in electrical/mechanical engineering or equivalent and preferably has a Master’s degree or equivalent in an electrical/mechanical engineering discipline, as well as at least 20 years of professional experience with adequate experience in the design, preparation of specifications and installation of electro-mechanical equipment for large hydropower projects. For the role of GLOF expert (Reference No: PSRSHDP/ NEA/S/IND-11) the consultant should have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and preferably a Master’s degree in civil engineering, alpine geology, applied geomorphology, engineering geology, hydrology or other relevant disciplines as well as at least 20 years of professional experience with experience as an expert in the study and analysis of GLOF projects including mapping of glaciers, glacial lakes and field investigation in large/mega hydropower projects. Work experience as a member of a DSPOE for review of design or construction supervision of large hydropower or GLOF-related projects is highly preferred.

Further information and Terms of Reference can be obtained at the address below during office hours. Expressions of Interest must be delivered in writing along with a detailed CV in person, by mail or by e-mail to: Ram Chandra Poudel, Officiating Project Director, Upper Arun Hydroelectric Project, Nepal Electricity Authority, United World Trade Center, Tripureshwor, Tripura Marg 44614, Kathmandu, Nepal; Tel: +977 01 4117163; +977 01 4117165; Email:;; Website: www.

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