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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultant sought to study Toubani project in Mali

The Republic of Mali's state power utility Energie du Mali (EDM-SA) intends to engage a consultant to prepare a technical-economic feasibility study, detailed preliminary design, an environmental and social impact study and a tender dossier for the Toubani hydroelectric project in the central southern region of Ségou. Expressions of interest from qualified consultants should be submitted by 24 October.

The project, with a capacity of around 30 MW, is to be developed in the commune of Falo, near the village of Zana, in the district of Bla, in the Bani river basin. The river Bani is a right bank tributary of the Niger. The consultancy services are to be funded by the African Development Bank within the framework of the 225kV Guinea-Mali Electricity Interconnection Project.

The main activities planned under the contract to be entrusted to the consultant concern the realization of: (i) a technical, economic and financial feasibility study of the hydroelectric development of Toubani, as well as the best option for site development; (ii) a detailed pre-project study of the hydro development to define the design of the structure and its layout; (iii) tender documents for the construction of the hydropower plant and dam and (iv) a study of the project’s environmental and social impacts. Interested consultants must provide information on their capacity and experience demonstrating that they are qualified for the services (documentation, reference of similar services, experience in comparable assignments, availability of qualified personnel, etc.). Consultants can form an association to increase their chances of qualifying.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the shortlist and selection procedure will comply with the “Procurement Framework for Bank Group Financed Operations”, October 2015 Edition of the African Development Bank, which is available on the bank’s website at http: //

Expressions of interest must be submitted by email in PDF format to the below-mentioned address and bear the mention: «Manifestation d’Intérêt – Services de consultants pour l’élaboration de l’étude de faisabilité, d’avant-projet détaillé, du dossier d’appel d’offres et de l’étude d’impact environnemental et social de l’aménagement hydroélectrique du site de Toubani». For further information, contact: Alhousseyni Aliou, Coordinator, Unité de Gestion du Projet d’Interconnexion Electrique en 225 kV Guinée-Mali (PIEGM), ACI 2000, Rue 332, face du Centre des Informations Gouvernementales (CIGMA), Bamako; Tel.: +223 76 450185/95119011; E-mail:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators