Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultant sought to study strengthening of the Andekaleka hydropower dam in Madagascar

The Project Implementation Unit (La Cellule d’Exécution du Projet) of the Fonds de Préparation du Projet de Mobilisation, Protection, Valorisation de la Ressource en Eau et de Renforcement de la Résilience au Changement Climatique (PPF PMPVREAU) invites expressions of interest from qualified consultants by 2 December to prepare feasibility and design studies as well as an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the strengthening of the Andekaleka hydropower dam in eastern Madagascar.

The consultancy services, which are to be funded by the African Development Bank, will include presenting technical scenarios, based on the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach, with economic analysis, aimed at assessing the viability and economic profitability of the project. The selected consultant will also be required to produce an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), if applicable. These studies will be carried out using a participatory approach to ensure full consideration of the specific needs and concerns of women and men as well as the opinions of people who may be affected by the project. In addition, they must ensure the integration of environmental, social and gender clauses and specifications in the tender document of the works, in order to guarantee an inclusive and equitable approach throughout the implementation of the project. The assignment is planned for the period from February to July 2025.

The Andekaleka hydropower dam, on the Vohitra river near Andekaleka in the region of Atsinanana, is owned and operated by the island’s state power utility Jirama. It comprises a 10 m-high, 125 m-long concrete gravity diversion dam and a 91 MW hydropower station, comprising two 29 MW units commissioned in 1982 and a 33 MW unit that came online in 2012. Water is diverted from the Vohitra into a 4 km-long headrace tunnel to an underground power station before being returned to the river via a 500 m-long tailrace tunnel. The drop in elevation between the dam and power station affords a head of 235 m. The dam and power station were funded by the World Bank at a cost of around US$ 142 million.

Interested consultants must provide information demonstrating their capacity and experience to carry out the services (documentation, reference of similar services, experience in comparable assignments, availability of qualified personnel, etc.). Consultants can form an association to increase their chances of qualifying. Eligibility criteria, establishment of the shortlist and the selection procedure must comply with the «Cadre de passation des marchés pour les opérations financées par le Groupe de la Banque», October 2015 Edition of the African Development Bank, which is available at

Expressions of interest in French must be submitted in person or by email in PDF format to the below-mentioned address by 16.00 hours local time on 2 December and bear the mention: « Avis à Manifestation d’intérêt pour la Réalisation de l’étude de faisabilité technico-économique, Avant-Projet Sommaire (APS), Avant-Projet Détaillé (APD) et de l’Etude d’Impact Environnementale et Social (EIES) du renforcement du barrage hydro-électrique Andekaleka du PPF PMPVREAU.»

For further information, contact: Monsieur le Coordonnateur du PPF PMPVREAU, Bureau du PPF PMPVREAU Ampandrianomby, Bâtiment du Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines, 3ème Etage, Porte 47, Ampandrianomby, 101 Antananarivo, Republic of Madagascar; Mobile: +261 380533374; +261 3801000117; Email: with copy to:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators