Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultant sought to prepare ESIA and RAP for Ruzizi IV

Energie des Grands Lacs (EGL), a regional electricity planning and development organization formed under the auspices of the Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL), invites expressions of interest by 22 October from consultants to prepare environmental and social studies for the development of the Ruzizi IV regional hydropower plant on the Ruzizi river, which forms the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda and the Republic of Burundi.

The consultancy services contract requires the preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Study (ESIA) including an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and the development of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the people affected by the project.

Preparatory activities for the implementation of the 287 MW hydropower plant including this consultancy service contract is being co-financed by a donation of €8 million from the EU Investment Facility for Africa administered by the African Development Bank, according to a delegation agreement (EU/PAGODA), and a grant of US$ 980 000 from the African Bank Development, through the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility Fund (NEPAD/IPPF). The project is designed to contribute to the socio-economic development of the sub-region of the Great Lakes countries (Burundi, DRC and Rwanda) through greater availability and access of energy at an affordable cost as well as to strengthen regional cooperation and integration. The project is one of the priority infrastructure projects identified by EGL under its Regional Energy Master Plan, which aims to fully exploit the hydroelectric potential of the Ruzizi river, and falls within the overall regional energy market framework being developed by the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme (NELSAP) and the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP). It will be the last of a cascade of four plants on the Ruzizi. The 29.8 MW Ruzizi I and 43.8 MW Ruzizi II are already operational while the 147 MW Ruzizi III is under development. Interested consultants must provide information on their capacity and experience demonstrating that they are qualified for the services (documentation, reference of similar services, experience in comparable assignments, availability of qualified personnel, etc.). Consultants can form an association to increase their chances of qualifying. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of the shortlist and the Quality and Cost-based selection procedure (QCBS), will be in accordance with the Procurement Policy for Operations Financed by the Bank Group, edition October 2015, which are available on the Bank’s website at Expressions of interest can be filed at the address mentioned below, in two physical copies in French (one original and one (1) hard copy and 1 CD Rom); or sent electronically by e-mail to the addresses indicated below and expressly mentioning: “Expression of Interest – Ruzizi IV Regional Hydroelectric Project – Consulting services for the development of (i) the Environmental and Social Impact Study (ESIA) including the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and the (ii) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)”.

For additional information and to confirm interest, contact: Monsieur Charles Vumbi Mbenga, Directeur Général de l’EGL, Organisation de la CEPGL pour l’Energie des Pays des Grands Lacs, 49, Boulevard de l’UPRONA, Rohero II, Bujumbura, Burundi. Tel.: +257 22 22 55 04; Fax: +257 22 22 41 57; E-mail:;, and

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators