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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultant and panel of experts sought for Muvumba multipurpose dam in Rwanda

The scheme is designed to supply domestic and agricultural water reliably, as well as generate electricity from an associated hydropower plant across the Nyagatare region.

The Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB), on behalf of the Government of Rwanda, invites expressions of interests by 17 April from qualified individual consultants to act as project coordinator/dam engineer for the first phase of the Muvumba multipurpose water resources development programme.

Phase 1 of the programme will comprise the construction of a dam with a height of 30.5 m, and effective storage capacity of 35 x 106 m3, a 740 kW (2 x 370 kW) hydropower facility, and detailed designs and environment and social impact assessments for downstream irrigation schemes (including livestock water) and water supply systems. While detailed water supply studies have yet to be completed, the programme is planned to supply about 24 000 m3/day of water to 300 000 people in the areas of Karangazi, Rwimiyaga and Nyagatare, in addition to livestock use. The command area of the irrigation scheme is estimated at 7380 ha covering Tabagwe, Gatunda, Karama, Rukomo, Nyagatare, Rwempasha, Musheri and Rwimiyaga; the programme will also contribute to flood control.

The Rwanda Water Resources Board has applied for a loan from the African Development Bank toward the cost of implementing phase 1 of the programme and intends to use part of the proceeds of this loan to set up a project implementation unit (PIU). A project coordinator (Dam Engineer) will be recruited as part of the PIU to manage and supervise the project on behalf of the client.

The qualifying criteria and duties and responsibilities of the post can be viewed at: The project will be implemented over a period of six years; however, the project coordinator will sign a two-year contract, which will be renewed based on performance. The consultant will be selected in accordance with the African Development Bank’s Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, October 2015.

The RWB also seeks an Independent Dam Panel of Experts (IDPE) for the first phase of the Muvumba programme. Expressions of interest are sought by 17 April from qualified individual international consultants for the posts of Dam Design and Safety Specialist (Panel Chair), Geologist/Geotechnical expert and Hydrologist.

The panel will be required to review and advise the RWB on matters related to dam safety and other critical aspects of the dam, its appurtenant structures, the catchment area, the reservoir rim, project formulation, technical design, construction procedures, and associated works such as the power facility and river diversion during construction. RWB will contract the services of the panel, provide administrative support for the panel’s activities and arrange for semi-annual panel meetings and reviews, which will continue through the investigation, design, construction, and initial filling and start-up phases of the dam. The full tender notice with details of qualifying criteria and duties and responsibilities of the posts can be viewed at: The services will be rendered over a period of six years from contract signature date. The Director General of the RWB is the designated representative of the client and will be responsible for work oversight and contract administration. Eligibility is restricted to Member Countries of the African Development Bank only. The consultants will be selected as individual consultants in accordance with the African Development Bank, Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, October 2015.

Submissions for both tenders will be done through e-procurement at Interested parties are invited to submit CVs and relevant supporting documents by email to: Prime Ngabonziza, Director General, Rwanda Water Resources Board, PO Box 6213, Kigali, Rwanda; Email: and copied to

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