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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought to prepare Bunakha and Nyera Amari I and II in Bhutan

Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC), Bhutan's state-controlled hydropower plant operator and developer, invites expressions of interest by 14 January from eligible consulting firms to provide services for enhancing the readiness/preparedness of the proposed 404 MW Nyera Amari – I and II Integrated and 180 MW Bunakha hydropower projects for implementation.

Separate tenders were issued on 16 December seeking consultants to assist DGPC in completing detailed engineering studies, environmental and social impact assessments, and bid document preparation for the two hydropower projects, which were included in 2019 in Bhutan’s power system master plan for 2040.

The Royal Government of Bhutan has received financial assistance under a project readiness financing (PRF) facility from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as “BHU: Green Power Project Readiness Enhancement” for enhancing the preparedness of the proposed projects.

The services to be rendered under the project will improve the readiness/preparedness of the project proponent with respect to obtaining funding for and implementing the Nyera Amari and Bunakha projects. The assignments involve an overall review and update of the technical, environmental, and social aspects of the projects under single performance-based contracts of consulting services. The scope of work for the two projects is to review and update the Detailed Project Report (DPR), to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and highlight the appropriateness of the projects for implementation as ADB funded projects. The various activities involved for these assignments include: (i) Review and update of existing DPRs to identify the gaps and take remedial actions to address them; (ii) Review and update the ESIA assessing the impacts and risks of the projects in accordance with and documenting conformance to ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and the Royal Government of Bhutan’s (government) requirements; (iii) Review requirements for and support DGPC in obtaining the statutory clearances for implementation; (iv) Review the ancillary or associated infrastructure facilities required for implementation and any gaps; and (v) Promotion of the tendering processes.

The impact of the Project Readiness Financing will allow the project proponent to be ready with certain essential aspects, which are required for securing funding and successfully delivering the hydropower project implementation. The project proponents must be aware of and program into both preparation and implementation the technical challenges, environmental impacts, risks, and requirements, social acceptance of the project, resettlement and rehabilitation requirements, long and multiple clearance procedures. Before the implementation works begin, the project proponent must have adequate technical preparedness for the project development, knowledge of geological risks and the modern equipment to address geological challenges, an understanding of land availability, muck disposal constraints, the additional task of constructing an access road network and power transmission infrastructure and ensure dam safety and climate resilience are incorporated. Issues such as water availability, barrier effects from the dam, environmental flows, problems due to sediment inflow and deposit, dam safety and emergency preparedness including the effects of climate change and occurrence of disasters triggered by natural hazards, tariff structure, equipment and power transmission system faults will be the prime consideration before implementation of any hydropower project. The consulting firm will support the project proponent in addressing these and other technical issues to ensure they are technically prepared. More information can be found at: For more information, contact: Phub Zam, Project Officer, Druk Green Power Corporation Limited; E-mail:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators