Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought for small hydro studies in Kenya

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen), Kenya's state power producer, invites expressions of interest by 20 May from qualified consultants to carry out pre-feasibility studies for the development of new small hydropower plants and for the potential rehabilitation and redevelopment of existing small hydropower plants.

The consultancy services will entail a detailed assessment of KenGen’s existing small hydropower plants to review the rehabilitation requirements and possibilities of redevelopment. Specific objectives will include: (i) Continued operation with the current operating and maintenance regime; (ii) Rehabilitation to re-establish the design capacity; and, (iii) Redevelopment to increase power and energy production using technology such as Compact Hydro Power Plants (CHPP), Small Modular Hydro (SMH), E-flow turbines or other technologies as appropriate. The scope of work includes undertaking detailed plant investigations for existing plants that will include but not limited to operational and maintenance status, financial performance, civil and electro-mechanical condition of the plants, hydrological assessment, water storage requirements, environmental scoping, and proposed improvements, and offer expert advice on various alternative options, KenGen proposals and future operational recommendations for each of the existing small hydropower schemes.

In addition KenGen has also identified several potential small hydropower plants sites across the country and seeks a consultancy to carry out a detailed study to determine the overall feasibility of these sites taking into consideration technologies such as CHPP, SMH or other available technology options. This will include a review of all the existing information, reports, and studies relevant to the proposed potential hydro sites that KenGen has identified to determine their technical feasibility, detailed investigations for the proposed potential small hydro sites that will include geotechnical investigations, topographical surveys, hydrometeorological assessments, and environmental scoping, as well as carrying out for each site a preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (PESIA) study in compliance with Kenyan laws and regulations and prepare a Stakeholder Engagement Plan commensurate with potential project impacts.

The consultant shall also be required to carry out basic designs of all project features and prepare project implementation plans, develop and compare the various alternative options of implementing the projects for each site, and do a comparative ranking of all the projects alternative options based on the economic and financial analysis; carry out an in-depth financial and economic analysis of the projects alternatives and develop financial projection models for each of the plants, and for each site depending on the most suitable option, the consultant shall prepare conceptual designs for power plants and cost estimates and implementation schedules for power plant and associated works.

The invitation for Expression of Interest can be viewed and downloaded from For further information, contact: General Manager, Supply Chain Management, Kenya Electricity Generating Company, RBS Pension Plaza 1, Kolobot Road, Parklands, P.O. Box 47936 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya; Tel.: +254-20-3666427; Email:; cc:;;


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators