Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought for small hydro projects in Kyrgyz Republic

The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic invites expressions of interest by 11 January 2024 from eligible consulting firms to provide technical assistance for the development of the Lower Tar small hydropower plant and rehabilitation of the Bystrovskaya small hydropower plant. 

The consultant’s support is required to carry out a feasibility study of the Lower Tar project, and prepare the tender documents for and assist in the process for EPC contractors for the construction of the Lower Tar scheme and the rehabilitation of the Bystrovskaya plant, in accordance with the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations. Financing for the two projects and the tendered consulting services has been provided by the World Bank within the framework of the Kyrgyz Renewable Energy Development Project.

The two projects are to be undertaken by Chakan GES, a small hydropower operator and developer that is a fully-owned subsidiary of OJSC National Energy Holding Company (NEHC), the Kyrgyz Republic’s state-owned energy holding company. Chakan GES operates nine small hydropower plants with a total installed capacity of 38.5 MW in and around the city of Bishkek, located on the river Alamedin, including the 8.7 MW Bystrovskaya plant near Kemin. The Lower Tar project, which is to be located to the east of Osh city in Osh district, Jalalabat region, will harness the hydropower potential of the Tar River, a left-bank tributary of the Kara Darya River. The project is currently designed with an installed capacity of 19 MW, based on a pre-feasibility study carried out in 2023 on behalf of the World Bank by Norconsult. Lower Tar is the most downstream of a potential cascade of hydroelectric projects on this reach of the Tar river. Although the upstream schemes are not being studied at this time, the concept for Lower Tar shall take account of the likely future upstream developments, including Upper Tar, which has been studied to pre-feasibility level.

It is envisaged that the assignment will take about 12 months with an expected start date in Q2 2024. The detailed Terms of Reference for the assignment can be downloaded:  Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. The consultants may submit their Expressions of Interest as individual firms or associate in the form of joint venture or sub-consultancy. However, the qualification of the sub-consultant will not be evaluated when forming the shortlist. In case of a joint venture, all the members of the joint venture should individually meet the shortlisting criteria and shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire assignment, if selected.

The consultant will be selected in accordance with the consultant’s Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method as set out in the procurement regulations. Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically to by 16h00 Bishkek time on 11 January. Further information can be obtained from Nurlan Kurumshiev, Project Management Office, Ministry of Energy, Erkindik Jibek-Jolu 326, Bishkek; Tel.: +996 312670175; E-mail:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators