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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought for rehabilitation of small stations in Punjab

The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), with the financial support of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), has launched an international tender for consultancy services for the review and updating of the feasibility study, detailed engineering design, preparation of a Planning Commission form (PC-I) and tender documents for the rehabilitation, refurbishment and upgrade of the Rasul and Renala hydropower stations in the central-eastern province of Punjab. Expressions of Interest from eligible consultants and joint ventures are invited by 26 June.

The Rasul run-of-river station on the Upper Jhelum Canal (UJC) near the village of Rasul in Mandi Bahaudin district was constructed in 1952 by the Irrigation Department of Punjab. The plant was originally commissioned with two units of 11 MW each. Its capacity has now been reduced to 17 MW as its electro-mechanical equipment needs refurbishment. Provision was made for a third unit.

The 1.1 MW Renala run-of-river station, located on the Lower Bari Doab Canal (LBDC) near the town of Renala in the Okara District in the northeast of Punjab, was commissioned in 1925. It comprises five units of 0.22 MW each. Construction of a new 4.4 MW station at an estimated cost of US$ 18.41 million is planned adjacent to the existing station. The project is designed with two 2.165 MW Kaplan Pit Type turbines with speed increasers with two 2.55 MVA synchronous generators

The scope of contract will entail five components. Activity-I will comprise the review and updating of an in-house feasibility study of the Rasul and Renala plants to bankable/international standards (three-months lump-sum contract); Survey of the condition of the civil structures, electrical and mechanical equipment; Capacity optimization exercise/study and selection of optimum installed capacity; Assessment of existing plant layout and recommendation of retrofitting modern plant layout at the existing sites in cost efficient manner; Cost estimation of the recommended solution(s); Preparation of construction planning of the project, also indicating the outage period of existing units during execution of the project; Study of social and economic impacts of the rehabilitation of the stations during construction phase and operation and Environmental and social impact assessment compliant with International standards. Activity-II: Preparation of Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) compliant with International standards (six month lump-sum); Study on the minimum environmental flow acceptable in the canal to mitigate environmental and social impact, compliant with International standards. Activity-III: Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design (six months lump-sum); Activity-IV:  Preparation of bidding documents (three months lump-sum); Activity-V: Assistance to WAPDA in preparation of PC-I and answering queries during the approval process from different forums (six month lump-sum)

Interested applicants must provide documented information showing that they are qualified and experienced to perform the services (At least two detailed/tender designs including environmental and social risk management compliant with International standards, review of feasibility study, and tender documents for low and medium head (about 5-50 m) hydropower projects equipped with vertical/horizontal Francis or Kaplan turbines during the last ten years). Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the “Procurement Guidelines for AFD Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries”, available online on AFD’s website:

Expression of Interest documents, (containing detailed terms and conditions, etc.) are available at the office of General Manager (Hydel) Development, and can be downloaded free of cost from, and Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the address below no later than 12.30 hours local time on 26 June. For further information, contact General Manager (Hydel) Development, WAPDA, 105-Wapda House, Lahore, Punjab 54000; Tel.: +92 42-99202189; Fax: +92 42-36369004; E-mail:

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Ganz Hydrogenerators